Brownfields Project Marketplace
What is the Marketplace? The Marketplace is FREE brownfields financing technical assistance. The Marketplace is an open forum that connects communities looking to finance brownfield redevelopment projects with development financiers and brownfield project experts. Through the Marketplace, communities can engage in open discussion with experts, get answers to their financing questions, and come away with a better understanding of the resources available for their redevelopment projects.
Communities are asked to prepare a brief presentation on their redevelopment project and present it to our technical assistance partners in exchange for financing suggestions.
Search the map below for previous brownfield projects presented at the Marketplace.
Search Results: South Carolina
* Projects marked with a

pin have received a CDFA site visit.
Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities
2413 Meeting Street, North Charleston, SC 29405
Gas Station with above ground storage tanks, junk yard, auto repair shop, construction laydown yard, and residential for previous owner.
City of Greenwood, SC
Project details are not available at this time. Please contact CDFA staff for more information.
Pelzer Heritage Commission
Project details are not available at this time. Please contact CDFA staff for more information.