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SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: North DakotaMembers only Login
In this revised report by the Office of Inspector General, North Dakota's SSBCI program, Mandan Consortium is audited. The audit finds that Mandan obligated approximately $8.9 million through a loan participation program.
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: MassachusettsMembers only Login
OIG reports that Massachusetts appropriately used most of the SSBCI funds it had expended as of June 30, 2012, but spent $237,000 to participate in an SBA-guaranteed loan under the MBDC Loan Participation Program, which Treasury officials said was...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: IllinoisMembers only Login
In the report, the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General found that Illinois used most of their SSBCI funds appropriately, but did participate in a loan that was used to purchase the stock of a company representing its entire ownership...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: WashingtonMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General reviews Washington's use of funds awarded under the SSBCI program. In the report, OIG found that borrower and lender assurances were complete and timely.
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: TennesseeMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General reviews Tennessee's use of funds awarded under the first iteration of the SSBCI program. OIG determined that the state of Tennessee properly used all $13.5 million of the SSBCI...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: FloridaMembers only Login
The Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General's review of Florida's SSBCI fund found most transactions complied with program requirements. However, the State participated in a $34.7M FLVCP investment that exceeded the $20M restriction.
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: American SamoaMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury's Office of Inspector General reviews American Samoa’s use of funds awarded under the SSBCI 1.0 program. The OIG found that American Samoa has not provided sufficient records to determine the Territory's...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: North CarolinaMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General reviews North Carolina’s use of funds awarded under the SSBCI program. In the report, OIG found the state to have conducted prohibited actions, but did not find reckless or...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: IdahoMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General reviews Idaho’s use of funds awarded under the SSBCI program. In the report, OIG found the state to have some inaccuracies in reporting, but did not find reckless or intentional...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: IndianaMembers only Login
This report by the Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General reviews Indiana’s use of funds awarded under the SSBCI program. In the report, OIG found Indiana accountable for reckless, intentional misuse of funds.
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: AlabamaMembers only Login
The Treasury Department's OIG released their Audit Report on Alabama's use of federal funds through SSBCI 1.0. The audit determines that Alabama was fully compliant with program requirements and contributed the compliance to a best practice employed...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: New JerseyMembers only Login
The Office of the Inspector General released their Audit Report on New Jersey's use of federal funds through Treasury's SSBCI. Circumstances in the audit caused OIG to recommend that Treasury provide states with guidance on how to remove withdrawn...
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: TexasMembers only Login
This audit report from the Office of Inspector General reviews Texas' use of funds through the Treasury's State Small Business Credit Initiative. The report found Texas to be fully compliant which was mostly attributed to a state compliance...
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