Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
Community Investment Explorer Tool 2.0Members only Login
Developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the newly enhanced Community Investment Explorer (CIE) 2.0 includes over 73 million transactions totaling over $3.2 trillion in community and economic development capital from 2012 to 2020. This...
CARES Act Supplemental Appropriations Summary
This is a Summary of the Supplemental Appropriations included in the Senate's third COVID-19 Stimulus package, the CARES Act. More than 80% of the total $339.855 billion provided in the emergency supplemental appropriations goes to state and local...
Historic Tax Credits - Community Development Fact Sheet
This Community Developments Fact Sheet summarizes certain aspects of the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program for national banks and federal savings associations (collectively, banks) and explains how HTCs may be used to support a bank’s affordable...
21c Museum HotelMembers only Login
Phillip Allen of 21c Hotels details the work they do in restoring iconic historic buildings, partnering with cities, and creating a successful capital stack for unique redevelopment projects.
CDFA Brownfields Financing Toolkit
The CDFA Brownfields Financing Toolkit provides communities with an easy-to-use, best practices resource on brownfields redevelopment. The toolkit brings together the best financing concepts and techniques to provide a comprehensive response to...
Historic Tax Credit Catalyst for Change Study
This report from Place Economics demonstrates quantitatively the catalytic impact that the rehabilitation of historic buildings has on the community made possible with the use of the historic tax credit.
DevelopOhio Economic Incentives Toolkit
This guide from Bricker & Eckler and Argus Growth Consultants outlines the array of tools with which Ohio economic development practitioners can stimulate development to occur in their communities.
Nuts and Bolts of NMTCs and HTCs: Should Bond Lawyers Care?
This presentation covers financing structures for NMTC or HTC and tax-exempt bond projects. The authors are Mary Nash Rusher of Hunton & Williams, Peter Duffley of Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, Dick Helde of Dorsey & Whitney, Marshall Philiips of...