Search Results for "Food Systems Finance"
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Federal Financing Clearinghouse
Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)Members only Login
BCAP provides financial assistance to owners and operators of agricultural and non-industrial private forest land who wish to establish, produce, and deliver biomass feedstocks. BCAP provides matching payments and establishment and annual payments.
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State Financing Program Directory
ACRE Entrepreneurship CenterMembers only Login
South Carolina is ripe with budding entrepreneurs who have new and innovative ideas in row crops, specialty crops(fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops), protein, aquaculture, timber, mechanical harvesting and...
Ag-LINKMembers only Login
Ag-LINK can help offset the impact of these up-front operating costs for feed, seed, fertilizer and fuel by providing an interest rate reduction on agriculture business operation loans at eligible banks and farm credit lenders.
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