Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
USDA Equity Action Plan - 2023 UpdateMembers only Login
A groundbreaking report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Equity Commission features more than 60 recommendations designed to make policies affecting farming and rural America more fair. A few key recommendations include...
2024 RI Food System FactbookMembers only Login
The Rhode Island Food Policy Council has released a first-of-its-kind resource providing a data-driven assessment of the status of Rhode Island's food system, incorporating the best available research and data, and presenting information on the...
Territorial and Farmers Financing MechanismsMembers only Login
Forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs) from Africa, Asia, and the Americas met with potential donors and allies in Washington D.C. to discuss advantages and opportunities to invest in and strengthen the capacities of indigenous, community,...
Blended Finance for Agricultural FinanceMembers only Login
This technical brief is intended to serve as a practical guide for including agricultural finance in development programs; specifically, within the agricultural sub-sector of innovative climate-smart businesses, production and business models, and...
Potlikker CapitalMembers only Login
Potlikker Capital is a farm community governed charitable integrated capital fund created to holistically serve BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) farmers in America who operate at the intersection of racial and climate justice.
Farm Financial Management ResourcesMembers only Login
Successfully accessing appropriate capital to grow or sustain your farm business takes focus and dedication. Below, you will find resources on farm financing solutions that will help you develop the skills and understand the steps needed to analyze,...
Agricultural Lending: A How-To Guide Members only Login
Agriculture is the main source of income and employment for the 70 percent of the world's poor, who live in rural areas. Yet, only 10 percent of gross domestic produce (GDP) in low and middle income countries is generated by the agricultural sector....
The Major Players In Agri-FinanceMembers only Login
Here are some of the big players in the agri-finance universe.
The types of players include banks that specialize in agricultural loans, nonbank finance companies that do land and equipment loans, farmer-owned lending co-ops, REITs that own and...
The Farmer’s Guide to Agricultural Credit Members only Login
This guide is aimed at helping farmers get ready to ask a lender for the financing needed in new and innovative ventures. When used as part of an overall enterprise development strategy, it can help farmers and lenders achieve mutually beneficial...
Farm Service Agency Microloan Program
This guide will introduce you to the new Microloan program offered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1 Under this new program, FSA will make loans of up to $35,000 to farmers for farm operating...
Understanding Farmers’ Market Rules Members only Login
Farmers’ markets are booming in popularity around the country. They are popular with consumers seeking fresh, local food. They are popular with farmers moving toward direct marketing of their products. And they are popular with beginning farmers and...
Your Guide to FSA Farm LoansMembers only Login
This guide was written for people who need assistance starting, expanding, or owning a farm or ranch. This guide will help you identify concerns and questions you may have before you start the loan process.
Black Farmer Fund Annual Report 2021Members only Login
Challenged by the historically discriminatory lending practices that inform the lack of diversity and equity in our current agricultural landscape, the mission of Black Farmer Fund is to nurture Black community wealth & health by investing capital...
CDFA Food Systems Finance Webinar Series: Bonds & Food Systems
During this installment of the CDFA Food Systems Finance Webinar Series, we take a deeper look at a method of financing that has been building infrastructure, industry, and agriculture for over a century and explore its applications within the food...
CDFA Food Systems Finance Best Practices Guidebook
Linking development finance and food systems can be a daunting undertaking for any community. Research on the current ecosystem of food systems finance has positioned CDFA to identify key strategies for the path ahead in this work. The Food Systems...
Food Innovation: Investing to Feed Our FutureMembers only Login
The Franklin Templeton Institute, a global investment management organization, released its latest insights paper, “Food innovation: Investing to feed our future,” focusing on the innovation and investments needed to feed a growing global population...