Search Results for "Rural Development"
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White House's Climate Capital Guidebook
The Climate Capital Guidebook aggregates current federal funding opportunities—including grants, loans, loan guarantees, and cooperative agreements—for small- and medium-sized companies, both start-ups and established businesses, focusing on clean...
USDA Equity Action Plan - 2023 UpdateMembers only Login
A groundbreaking report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Equity Commission features more than 60 recommendations designed to make policies affecting farming and rural America more fair. A few key recommendations include...
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Federal Financing Clearinghouse
Area Development ProgramMembers only Login
ARC’s Area Development program relies on a flexible “bottom-up” approach to economic development, empowering Appalachian communities to work with their state governments to design impactful investment opportunities supporting their mission and...
CDBG Program Colonias Set-AsideMembers only Login
CDBG Program Colonias Set-Aside provides set-aside funds (from the State CDBG fund of border states of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas) to colonias to help meet the colonias residents' needs of potable water, adequate sewer systems, or...
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State Financing Program Directory
ACRE Entrepreneurship CenterMembers only Login
South Carolina is ripe with budding entrepreneurs who have new and innovative ideas in row crops, specialty crops(fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops), protein, aquaculture, timber, mechanical harvesting and...
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