Search Results for "Tribal Finance"
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White House's Climate Capital Guidebook
The Climate Capital Guidebook aggregates current federal funding opportunities—including grants, loans, loan guarantees, and cooperative agreements—for small- and medium-sized companies, both start-ups and established businesses, focusing on clean...
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Federal Financing Clearinghouse
Deliquency Prevention Grants ProgramMembers only Login
This program furthers the Department’s mission to reduce crime and promote public safety by providing funding to states, localities, and tribes to implement programs to address juvenile delinquency and improve the juvenile justice system.
FSA Direct Farm Ownership LoansMembers only Login
Direct Farm Ownership Loans offer up to 100 percent financing and are a valuable resource to help farmers and ranchers purchase or enlarge family farms, improve and expand current operations, increase agricultural productivity, and assist with land...
FSA Microloan ProgramsMembers only Login
Microloans are operating loans designed to meet the needs of small and beginning farmers, non-traditional, specialty crop and niche type operations by easing some requirements and offering less paperwork.
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