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Search Results: Tribal Finance
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CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Layering the Capital Stack in Indian Country
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, speakers discuss how tribal governments and their partner organizations are finding new and interesting ways to layer capital for tribal projects.
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Investing in Affordable Housing on Tribal Lands
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, panelists explore how tribal communities are investing in affordable housing solutions that meet their residents’ unique needs.
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Empowering Native Entrepreneurs Through Access to Capital
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, practitioners present strategies and highlight finance programs that are helping to increase access to capital and aiding the creation of successful small businesses.
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Federal Funding for Tribal Communities
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, speakers from federal agencies discuss financing tools and programs available to tribal nations to promote community health, restore local economies, and protect our environment. .
State Small Business Credit Initiative Implementation for Tribal GovernmentsMembers only Login
On December 7, 2023, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) released a snapshot on its implementation of the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) program with Tribal governments. To date, Treasury has received applications from...
NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
The TBCP is a federal program that provides grants to eligible tribal entities to expand access to and adoption of broadband service on tribal land and to promote the use of broadband to access remote learning, telework, or telehealth resources.
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Funding Healthcare Facilities on Tribal Nation Reservations
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, speakers discuss financing tools and programs that tribal nations are using for healthcare facilities that better serve their unique community needs.
CDFA Coalition Submits $2B Clean Investment Accelerator for DFAs Proposal Under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Competition
CDFA and its coalition partners submitted a $2 billion Clean Investment Accelerator for Development Finance Agencies (DFAs) proposal for the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator competition under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Under this...
Community Economic Development in Indian Country: Market Research Report
The purpose of this report is to identify and review existing research and data on the unique history, challenges, industries, actors, and available funding and capital sources that shape how tribes and Native actors successfully participate in...
2023 New Markets Tax Credit Coalition Annual Progress Report
The NMTC Coalition’s annual report on the loans, investments, and community impact of the New Markets Tax Credit.
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Food System Financing on Tribal Lands
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, panelists explore how tribal governments are cultivating local food systems with financing solutions that support economic growth and advance community health.
Indigenizing Catalytic Capital
Sovereignty and Indigenous definitions of wealth make up the core values on which Natives have built their economic and financial power. Yet, there is still the issue of economic invisibility for Native Peoples, and one of the ways to combat this is...
USDA Local Food Purchase Assistance Program Initial Impact ReportMembers only Login
This report, published by The Wallace Center, outlines the initial impact of the USDA's Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA). Through partnerships with state agencies, and territory and tribal governments, this innovative new program is...
Tribal Recovery Report: State and Local Fiscal Recovery FundsMembers only Login
This Tribal Recovery Report is authored by the Office of Tribal and Native Affairs within Treasury. It features innovative projects and services planned or underway by Tribal governments and funded by SLFRF to support the well-being of Tribal...
How the Red Lake Nation in Minnesota Has Used New Markets Tax CreditsMembers only Login
Financing from the federal New Markets Tax Credit Program enabled the Red Lake Nation to expand and upgrade its main grocery and retail hub, the Red Lake Trading Post, in northern Minnesota. In addition to the deli and cafe sections pictured here,...
Case Study: Lac Vieux Desert Health CenterMembers only Login
The Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians is responsible for delivering high-quality public services and investing in new business opportunities for its community. The band used New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) to finance this...
CDFI Fund New Markets Tax Credit Native InitiativeMembers only Login
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Native Initiative is the next step in broadening the on-ramp to the NMTC Program. The goal of the NMTC Native Initiative is to increase NMTC investments in Federal Indian Reservations, Off-Reservation Trust Lands,...
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Promoting Access to Capital for Tribal Small Businesses
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, development finance experts highlight a variety of finance programs that are helping to increase access to capital for new and existing small business owners.
U.S. Treasury Holds SSBCI All Jurisdiction Quarterly MeetingMembers only Login
The U.S. Department of the Treasury held its quarterly State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) All Jurisdiction meeting and provided updates on the SSBCI Capital Program, Technical Assistance Grant Program, outreach efforts, work groups, and...
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Tribal PlaybookMembers only Login
To help Tribal applicants navigate the full range of funds both available to Tribal Nations and set aside for their communities, this playbook provides an overview of the “what, when, where, and how” to apply for funds.
American Rescue Plan Second Anniversary Report
The American Rescue Plan has helped to power one of the strongest and most equitable recoveries on record while making investments that position our nation for economic success in the coming decades. Over the last year, American Rescue Plan programs...
CDFA Tribal Finance Webinar Series: Tribal Community-Driven Economic Development Solutions
During this installment of the CDFA Tribal Financing Webinar Series, speakers discuss how tribal governments and their partner organizations are working collaboratively to drive sustainable economic development.
U.S. Treasury Announces Preliminary SSBCI Allocations to Tribal GovernmentsMembers only Login
The U.S. Department of the Treasury released its methodology summary for preliminary SSBCI allocations for Tribal governments on February 21, 2023.
CDFA Community Facilities Technical Assistance for Tribal Communities Press Release
The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) is pleased to announce the CDFA Community Facilities Technical Assistance Program for Tribal Communities, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This program aims to to increase...
NDN Collective: Community Voices on the Collective Abundance Fund ReportMembers only Login
This is what over 5k Indigenous people in MN, ND, and SD had to say about redefining wealth on Indigenous terms and distributing nearly $50M to Indigenous people in the tri-state region.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: Investments for Tribal and Indigenous CommunitiesMembers only Login
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) directs over $722 million specifically to Tribal and Indigenous communities and includes another $46 billion that Tribal and Indigenous communities are eligible to apply for.
U.S. Treasury Announces Tribal Government SSBCI Capital Program ApplicationsMembers only Login
The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the list of Tribal governments that submitted SSBCI Capital Program applications on November 29, 2022. The applications will now be reviewed prior to release of any funding for those programs.
Stronger Together - Federal Funding and Planning Strategies for Rural AmericaMembers only Login
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development and U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) launched a joint resource guide to help community organizations access USDA and EDA resources to build strategies to boost economic...
SSBCI Tribal Government Notice of Intent (NOI) Submissions
The deadline for Tribal governments to submit a notice of intent (NOI) to apply for SSBCI funds was December 11, 2021. This document includes the list of Tribal governments that submitted an NOI by this deadline. In addition to submitting an NOI,...
Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final RuleMembers only Login
The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF), a part of the American Rescue Plan, delivers $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public...
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Final RuleMembers only Login
The Secretary of the Treasury (Treasury) is adopting as final the interim final rule with amendments. This rule implements the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund established under the American...
Minority Business Development Agency Awards $3.9M to Serve Indigenous CommunityMembers only Login
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) awarded $3.9 million in federal funding to thirteen grant recipients to establish MBDA American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) projects. To support...
SSBCI Notice of Intent Deadline Extended for Tribal Governments & Tribal Listening Session
The Department of the Treasury is extending the Tribal government Notice of Intent (NOI) deadline to apply for SSBCI funds to December 11, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET, the same deadline for the initiation of the SSBCI capital application.
How Innovative CDFIs Fund Equitable Food Oriented Development
This report describes how three CDFIs drive economic growth in low-income and historically marginalized communities through a model defined by the EFOD Collaborative as Equitable Food Oriented Development (EFOD). EFOD is a development approach that...
SSBCI Fact Sheet for Tribal GovernmentsMembers only Login
This SSBCI fact sheet for Tribal Governments was updated by the Department of the Treasury in August 2021. SSBCI will allocate at least $500 million to Tribal governments. A Notice of Intent to apply for SSBCI funds from Tribal governments is due...
USDA Resource Guide for Rural Workforce DevelopmentMembers only Login
This guide was created by the USDA in 2021 for community leaders and other local entities. The guide highlights four key assistance types necessary to building a stronger rural workforce: 1) Workforce development planning; 2) Infrastructure and...
Tribal Colleges and Universities White PaperMembers only Login
This paper considers the role of TCUs and in particular the role of TCU curriculum in business development and entrepreneurship in tribal areas. We utilize existing data on TCU curriculum and tribal area characteristics and consider whether and to...
A Vision for Native Food and Agriculture Infrastructure Rebuilding and Recovery Members only Login
An investment in food infrastructure will ensure that Native producers have access to reliable markets and the wraparound support services that are so critical to robust food systems. By approaching infrastructure from a new model and linking...
USDA Programs in the Local Food Supply Chain
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is committed to supporting robust regional food economies across the food chain. This graphic is designed to be a guide for which programs are best suited for different parts of the supply chain.
CDFA // BNY Mellon Webcast Series: Unlocking Capital for Native American Communities
Tribal lands cover over 5% of the national land base, making Tribal nations the fourth largest state and some of America’s largest rural populations. The U.S. Constitution recognizes Tribal nations as sovereign governments, yet have a...
Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program - FDICMembers only Login
The Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program was created by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 to address the lack of mortgage lending in Indian Country. This brochure from the FDIC briefly reviews the background, purpose, and...
2019 HUD Healthy Homes Program - Descriptions of Awarded ProjectsMembers only Login
On September 30, 2019, HUD awarded more than $314 million to 77 state and local government agencies and more than $5 million in six tribal communities to identify and address home health and safety hazards. This document is a description of each...
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  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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