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Search Results: Public-Private Partnership (P3) Financing
Displaying 101 - 150 of 342 Previous | Next | New Search
Ballard Spahr - Public-Private Partnerships
Steve Park from Ballard Spahr LLP gives an overview on Public-Private Partnerships
Infrastructure Finance - USDA Rural Development Community ProgramsMembers only Login
Anthony Hollinsworth (U.S. Department of Agriculture) discusses the rural development programs offered by USDA, the objectives of the programs, eligible applicants, eligible purposes, and the rates and terms.
Innovative Development with Public Private Partnerships (P3)Members only Login
As budgets are stretched at all levels, it can be difficult to pull together funding for necessary infrastructure improvements. Kara Woods (City of Grand Rapids) and Ian Koffler (Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone, PLC) examine case studies and...
Case Study: Park Center Redevelopment - P3 in the Heart of Research Triangle ParkMembers only Login
Linda Hall of the Research Triangle Foundation, Alan Kennedy of Hines, Walt Havener of Surface675 and Marqueta Welton from Durham County tackle the Park Center redevelopment case study.
EciCenter - A Mixed Use Project Case StudyMembers only Login
Tony King from Kidwell & Company discussed P3 Case Study in Georgia.
A Step Forward for Georgia City and County: P3 OpportunitiesMembers only Login
Jason Ward of the Polk County Commission on P3 Financing Legislation in Georgia.
Public Investment: A Catalyst for DevelopmentMembers only Login
Paul Radford of the City of Sugar Hill, Georgia presents a P3 Case Study.
Georgia P3 Model GuidelinesMembers only Login
Jason Ward of the Polk County Commission gives the New P3 guidelines in Georgia.
Local Infrastructure Funding ReportMembers only Login
This report from National League of Cities offers a state-by-state analysis of local option taxes and fees, including motor vehicle fees, sales and fuel taxes, as well as emerging mechanisms like state infrastructure banks and public-private...
Creative Financing Strategies at the Local Level- Value Capture Members only Login
Ranadip Bose (SB Friedman Development Advisors) discusses creative financing strategies at the local level, specifically the concept of Value Capture as a tool for transportation finance.
Financing Water Infrastructure in IllinoisMembers only Login
Jim Snyder (Ice Miller LLP), Bob Schillerstrom (Ice Miller LLP), Jim Keene (Keene and Associates, Ltd), and Aaron Fundich (Robinson Engineering, Ltd) explore water infrastructure projects that could be transformational for Illinois and various...
Creative Finance For Smaller Communities
This report from the Urban Land Institute outlines creative financing tools for smaller communities and provides several case studies from communities that are successfully implementing these strategies.
ULI: Creative Finance for Smaller CommunitiesMembers only Login
The Urban Land Institute provides a series of case studies that illustrate how communities have used P3s and other financing mechanisms to improve the appearance and functionality of their infrastructure.
Project Delivery MethodsMembers only Login
Bills Downs, National Architect, of the USDA Rural Development gives a brief overview of construction methods, project financing, and best practices.
Roadmap to ResilienceMembers only Login
This report summarizes the outcomes of RE.invest, an 18-month predevelopment process with eight US cities and teams of leading private sector design, engineering, law, and finance experts. The results are examples of the types of projects made...
USDA – Financing Healthcare Projects in Rural AmericaMembers only Login
Charles Ervin of Dougherty Mortgage describes how communities, bankers and the USDA can partner to bring together public & private resources in order to finance healthcare infrastructure projects in rural America.
Partnership for Public Facilities and Infrastructure ActMembers only Login
Jim Woodward of Gray Pannell & Woodward, LLP gives a general overview and provisions related to local governments of the partnership for public facilities and infrastructure act.
Financing Auxiliary FacilitiesMembers only Login
Susan Ridley of the University System of Georgia shares details on their public private partnerships, including the lease revenue bond issuances, affordable housing solutions for students, and more.
Six Stages of Solar BankabilityMembers only Login
In this paper, ABB examines the first five stages of solar development to see how the decisions made during the development process affect a project’s bankability. ABB then takes a look at a crucial sixth stage, customer enablement. This stage...
Community Facilities Infrastructure Toolkit
The Community Facilities Infrastructure Toolkit can be used as a guide to help organizations and community leaders better understand the complex process that is required to successfully develop and construct a new facility. The Toolkit outlines the...
Categorization and Analysis of State P3 Statutes Members only Login
The National Conference of State Legislatures publishes this report that categorizes and analyzes all laws that permit and affect transportation public-private partnerships adopted by 33 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
USDA Rural Development 2015 Progress ReportMembers only Login
The USDA Rural Development 2015 Progress Report details the tangible results across rural America that stemmed from investments by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Development team in local businesses, community infrastructure,...
Potential Issues and Best Practices for Public-Private Partnership Programs and ProjectsMembers only Login
This report from University of Kentucky contains guidance and best practices to help ensure successful P3 implementation, case studies of experiences and lessons learned, and a list of factors that policymakers should take into account when...
Rural Development Financing in CaliforniaMembers only Login
The USDA's State Director of California, Janice Waddell, examines various best practices used in financing rural development throughout the state.
Economic Development 2.0Members only Login
Larry Kosmont of Kosmont Companies introduces Economic Development 2.0, a new way of understanding and implementing economic development to effectively combat sustainability and resource challenges.
Fashioning Successful Post-RDA Public Financing StrategiesMembers only Login
Panelists from HR&A Advisors Inc. examine direct-based development finance tools from the past, present, and future.
Public Private Partnerships in CaliforniaMembers only Login
Robert Gamble examines several strategies and case studies of public private partnerships throughout California.
Public-Private Partnership Project Showcase: KentuckyWiredMembers only Login
Eric Rockhold from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Kristopher Wahlers from Ice Miller, and Ryan Barrow and Mike Hayden from Kentucky Finance and Administration cover how Kentucky executed a P3 for statewide fiberoptic broadband.
Bluegrass International FundMembers only Login
Lynn Allen from Bluegrass International Fund (BiF) explains the depth and diversity behind EB-5 bonds and their varied uses.
Overview of Performance-Based Infrastructure (PBI)Members only Login
Jonathan Trutt of the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange discusses the key concepts of Performance-Based Infrastructure, in addition to providing a case study from Prince George's County, Maryland.
William Roche Public Private Partnerships CDFA 2015Members only Login
William Roche, a Senior VP from HutchinsonShockeyErley&Co, discussed about P3 definition and case studies about Design-Build-Operate approach.
Financing the Detroit Red Wings ArenaMembers only Login
Craig Hammond from Dickinson Wright PLLC, Mark Morante from Michigan Economic Development Corporation, and Art Papapanos from Detroit Economic Growth Corporation presented a case study of P3 financing the Detroit Red Wings Arena.
Public Private PartnershipsMembers only Login
Various case studies, DEGC financing tools, and small business programs are discussed. P3's such as Motor City Match is described as a unique partnership between the City of Detroit and other agencies.
Super TIFs Are Transforming Three CitiesMembers only Login
This article from Planning Magazine examines three projects that have benefited from the use of Super TIFs, a redevelopment tool adopted by several states that allows them to capture state taxes generated by certain kinds of redevelopment projects.
Let's Make a Deal: White FieldMembers only Login
Fred Ernest, Director of Newark Development Partners, provides a brief overview of the financing needs to complete a redevelopment project in the historic White Field.
From Cleveland With Love: The Evolving World of the Ohio Bond Market
Kip Wahlers of Ice Miller LLP provides an overview of the Ohio bond market with respect to a number of key development financing tools.
Arhaus Headquarters ProjectMembers only Login
George Sarkis of Roetzel & Andress discusses the Arhaus Headquarters Project located in Boston Heights, Ohio. The project is utilizing the development finance toolbox to meet its financing needs.
Public-Private Partnerships: Issues and ConsiderationsMembers only Login
A Note from Practical Law Finance discussing public-private partnerships P3s including when they should be used to develop infrastructure projects. This Note also discusses the most commonly used P3 structures, alternatives to P3s and how...
Public Private Partnerships in TallahasseeMembers only Login
Michael Parker from the City of Tallahassee provides a look at how the city has used public private partnerships to support projects with financing.
Public Private Partnerships in FloridaMembers only Login
Kevin Crowder from Redevelopment Management Associates covers the public private partnerships including types of P3s and the reasons for why a municipality might use P3s as a development finance tool.
Rural Downtown Development: Guiding Principles for Small CitiesMembers only Login
This article provides various guiding principles to small cities for developing rural downtowns. Principles covered include developing a vision and plan for the downtown, identifying and building upon local assets, building a strong public-private...
Rural Downtown Development: Guiding Principles for Small CitiesMembers only Login
This guide explains important principles to develop a strong rural downtown. Topics include developing a vision and plan for the downtown, identify and build upon local assets, build a strong public-private partnership, enhance the downtown's sense...
Transportation and Infrastructure FinanceMembers only Login
This Council of State Governments report examines the transportation funding issues states are faced with, the finance options available to them, and how states can decide which options best fit into their transportation plans.
Spatial Finance Tools for RedevelopmentMembers only Login
In this presentation, Nancey Green Leigh highlights some of the financing tools used in Georgia for brownfield redevelopment such as BIDs and TIFs,
The Georgia Brownfield ProgramMembers only Login
This presentation from Beth Blalock provides an overview of Georgia's Brownfield Program.
CDFA Brownfields Redevelopment Webinar: Financing Post Disaster Recovery
As part of the CDFA Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, this second installment of the Brownfields Financing Webinar Series focuses on disaster recovery assistance and highlights best practice examples, case studies, and brownfield...
Financing Education Projects in Rural AmericaMembers only Login
Bob Pennington and Chuck Ellingsworth with Raymond James gave an overview of a market update, the higher education sector, public universities, private college credit analysis, and the Raymond James USDA Team. Various case studies were presented as...
Displaying 101 - 150 of 342 Previous | Next | New Search

CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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