Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
CDFA Food Systems Finance Best Practices Guidebook
Linking development finance and food systems can be a daunting undertaking for any community. Research on the current ecosystem of food systems finance has positioned CDFA to identify key strategies for the path ahead in this work. The Food Systems...
Food Forward NYC: A 10-Year Food Policy PlanMembers only Login
Food Forward NYC is the City’s first ever 10-year food policy plan, laying out an ambitious interagency policy framework to reach a more equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system by 2031. The success of this plan depends on the partnership of...
Crystal City BIDMembers only Login
Tax Increment Financing, Special Assessment Districts, Management Districts and Public Improvement Districts have become powerful financing mechanisms to help communities concentrate development opportunities into targeted locations. Angela Fox with...
Market Update and Virginia Financing ToolsMembers only Login
Tax Increment Financing, Special Assessment Districts, Management Districts and Public Improvement Districts have become powerful financing mechanisms to help communities concentrate development opportunities into targeted locations. Laura Radcliff...
When a Deal Goes BadMembers only Login
At the Ohio Roundtable, we often focus on the successful projects around the state, but not every deal works out. So, what happens when a deal goes bad? Caleb Bell of Bricker & Eckler LLP, Martin Russell of Warren County Port Authority, and Paul...
CDFA Ohio Webcast: Downtown Redevelopment District Legislation
The Ohio General Assembly and Governor Kasich recently passed the new Downtown Redevelopment District legislation (HB 233) that provides new tools, including property assessment and TIF-like provisions, available to rehabilitate historic buildings,...
NIZ Vs. CRIZMembers only Login
Sometimes called “NIZ Lite”, Pennsylvania's City Revitalization and Improvement Zones (“CRIZ”) is similar to the Neighborhood Improvement Zone (“NIZ”), but there are some key distinctions. One important distinction of the CRIZ program from the NIZ...
The Rise of Innovation DistrictsMembers only Login
Innovation Districts are creative urban ecosystems in which city leaders, start-ups, established firms, institutions, skilled workers, and entrepreneurs converge to capitalize upon new ideas and technological breakthroughs. Innovation districts are...
Tax Increment Financing in MissouriMembers only Login
The Missouri Department of Revenue's 2015 Annual Report Summary details all TIF projects carried out throughout the state as of 2015. The projects are broken down by eight different categories, most of which cover a kind of blight designation, as...
Economic Development 2.0Members only Login
Larry Kosmont of Kosmont Companies introduces Economic Development 2.0, a new way of understanding and implementing economic development to effectively combat sustainability and resource challenges.