Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
Investing in Rural ProsperityMembers only Login
The Federal Reserve has created this book to bring together community and economic development researchers, practitioners, philanthropists, and others to showcase the great work happening across this country and to outline a framework for conducting...
FY 2022: Brownfields Grant GuidelinesMembers only Login
The purpose of this training webinar is to assist applicants with understanding the guidelines for Assessment Grants (Community-wide and Site-specific), Revolving Loan Fund Grants, Cleanup Grants. This document includes: a general overview, types of...
Roadmap to Redevelopment Report: Stillman College
The Roadmap to Redevelopment Report was developed through a 2-day process that included interviews with numerous stakeholders from the government, business, and non-profit sectors. The plan provides a framework for the financing of the redevelopment...
Roadmap to Redevelopment Report: Mt Vernon, WA
The Roadmap to Redevelopment Report was developed through a 2-day process that included interviews with numerous stakeholders from the government, agriculture, business, and non-profit sectors. The plan provides a framework for the financing of the...
CARES Act Supplemental Appropriations Summary
This is a Summary of the Supplemental Appropriations included in the Senate's third COVID-19 Stimulus package, the CARES Act. More than 80% of the total $339.855 billion provided in the emergency supplemental appropriations goes to state and local...
Roadmap to Redevelopment Report: Ramsey, MN
The Roadmap to Redevelopment Report was developed through a 2-day process that included interviews with numerous stakeholders from the government, agriculture, business, and non-profit sectors. The plan provides a framework for the financing of the...
California Rural Infrastructure Finance Guidebook
CALED knows from its work supporting economic development throughout California that infrastructure financing is a challenge for many rural communities. CALED collaborated with CDFA to develop this guidebook to meet the need for a resource to help...
EPA Superfund Task Force 2019 ReportMembers only Login
The Superfund Task Force is publishing its final report on the recommendations developed in response to the EPA Administrator's request. The recommendations address: expediting cleanup and remediation process; reducing financial burden on all...
Brownfields: Properties with New PurposeMembers only Login
EPA’s Brownfields Program provides direct funding for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, environmental job training, technical assistance, training, and research. To facilitate the leveraging of public resources, EPA’s Brownfields...
Local Foods, Local Places ToolkitMembers only Login
Cities and towns across the country are undertaking new initiatives and strengthening current programs that support development and growth of local food systems while reinvesting in downtowns and existing neighborhoods. Strong interest from...
Water Infrastructure Financing: The WIFIA Program
The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program provides financial assistance for water infrastructure projects, including projects to build and upgrade wastewater and drinking water treatment systems. This Congressional Research...
Miami WIFIA Project Fact SheetMembers only Login
Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department will construct fourteen new injection wells at three wastewater treatment plants. When the construction of this project and all necessary associated facilities are complete, Miami-Dade County will...
PISCES Recognition Program 2018 Compendium Members only Login
This report, produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, looks at the CWSRF’s Performance and Innovation in the SRF Creating Environmental Success (PISCES) program and how it allows recipients to gain national recognition for exceptional...