Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
Arvada: Tax Increment Financing in ActionMembers only
Tax increment financing is a flexible and creative financing tool that can support development projects throughout Colorado. The Arvada Urban Renewal Authority shares their successes of using TIF for a number of different projects including housing,...
Improving TIF Transparency and Accountability in Michigan
This report from Michigan State University seeks to contribute to the current policy discussion on TIF reform by developing the blueprint for a comprehensive, state-level database on the scale, scope and structure of TIF activities in Michigan.
CDFA TIF State-By-State Report 2015
The CDFA 2015 TIF State-By-State Report is a detailed review of the current state statutes and related regulations governing the use of tax increment financing tools throughout the country. This information has been collected by CDFA with the help...
Tax Increment FinanceMembers only
Ty Myrick, Analyst with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accountants, details the basic process and key players regarding the use of Tax Increment Finance (TIF) in Texas.
The Use of TIF in NebraskaMembers only
The Platte Institute for Economic Research released this policy study on the use of TIF in Nebraska. The study covers general concepts, trends, cases studies from various size cities, economic analysis, and recommendations.
Tax Increment Financing in MissouriMembers only
The 2013 Tax Increment Financing Report summarizes Missouri TIF projects and financial data. The Missouri Department of Revenue generated the report by obtaining reports submitted by the authorizing municipalities.
Understanding Tax Increment Finance - NLC Conference 2014
Toby Rittner with CDFA breaks down tax increment financing (TIF), the process of creating TIF districts, special assessments and districts, the tool's ability to catalyze investment, best practices when implementing TIF, and much more.
Harbor Point Tax Increment Financing Fact & Information Sheet
Harbor Point is a new 3 million square-foot master-planned mixed-use community located on a waterfront site in Baltimore Maryland. The massive project will generate $920M of private investment from $106.9M of TIF bonds to finance necessary public...
Rhode Island Ave Corridor TIF Analysis
This tax increment finance analysis was created by Partners for Economic Solutions for the city of Washington, DC. The report addresses projected changes in property values and estimates the amount of supportable bonds.
Springfield, IL FY2010 Downtown TIF Report
This report for the largest TIF in the city of Springfield, IL covers all activities for fiscal year 2010. The report includes policy changes, balance sheets, vendor payments, redevelopment agreements, and more.
Washington Co. 2011 TIF District Value & Tax Certifications
This document from the Washington County Department of Property Records and Taxpayer Services provides a detailed breakdown of the finances for the 34 TIF districts within the county. Details include key dates, current and original tax capacities,...
Chicago TIF Projects -- List
This document lists the 173 TIF projects taking place in Chicago from 2000 through July 2010. Details include the location, developer, funding, and status for each project. The list, which was based on data from the Chicago Department of Housing and...
Chicago TIF Projects -- Map
This map displays TIF projects in Chicago from 2000 through July 2010. Users can filter projects by name, address, amount, year, and type, or use the map to see a description of each project. The map, which is a best practices example of development...
DC TIF Analysis Methodology
This document from the city of Washington, D.C. provides an overview of the methodology used in the District for TIF analysis. Details include how inventory, demand, and sites were studied, as well as how projections were calculated.
PPP Journal: What TIF?
This issue of the UK-based Public-Private Partnerships Journal focuses on the use of TIF to build public infrastructure. Topics included in the issue are how partnerships can affect financing, descriptions of several case studies, and the...
Evaluation of Seven Urban Renewal Plans
Tashman Johnson, LLC, published this report analyzing seven different urban renewal plans in Oregon. The report provides information on the total growth in assessed value that has occurred since each urban renewal plan was adopted as well as the...
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in Minnesota
The Minnesota House of Representatives Research Department, has created this website dedicated to resources and information pertaining to the use of tax increment finance in the state.