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Upcoming Events

May 13-14, 2024
Daily: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern
The Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course offers an in-depth look at RLF program development, implementation, and management. During this course, attendees learn the essential elements needed to operate a successful RLF program and discuss programs making a difference in communities throughout the country.

Featured State Resources

SSBCI TA Approvals as of November 21, 2023Members only Login
The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the approval of 20 additional state awards under the State Small Business Credit...
Treasury Approves Nine Additional State Plans Through the SSBCI
The U.S. Department of Treasury announced an additional group of nine state plans approved under the State Small Business Credit...
Affordable Housing Loan Program and Underwriting GuidelinesMembers only Login
The purpose of the Affordable Housing Loan Program and Underwriting Guidelines is to describe the Department’s housing policy...
State Tax Incentive Evaluations Database - National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Members only Login
States across the country are starting to gather data and use evidence to systematically evaluate tax incentives. To illustrate...

Arizona Development Finance Headlines

Featured State Programs

Angel Tax Credit
The main objective of the Angel Investment tax credit is to expand early stage investments in targeted Arizona small businesses. The tax credit accomplishes this goal by providing tax credits to investors who make capital investment in small...
Commercial/Industrial Solar Tax Credit
The primary goal of the Commercial/Industrial Solar Energy Tax Credit Program (Solar Program) is to stimulate the use of solar energy in commercial, industrial, and other non-residential applications by subsidizing the cost of solar energy devices.

CDFA Arizona Supporters