Search Results for "Brownfield Financing"
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CDFA FedFund Briefing: Funding for Brownfield Cleanups
The CDFA FedFund Briefing provides insights into specific Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) recently announced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under its FY 2025 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant...
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Federal Financing Clearinghouse
Brownfields Area-Wide Planning ProgramMembers only
Area-Wide Planning Grants provide funding to communities to research, plan and develop implementation strategies for cleaning up and revitalizing a specific area affected by helping communities perform the research needed to develop an area-wide...
Brownfields Assessment GrantsMembers only
Assessment Grants provide funding for a grant recipient to inventory, characterize, assess, conduct a range of planning activities, develop site-specific cleanup plans, and conduct community involvement related to brownfield sites.
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State Financing Program Directory
Brownfield Cleanup ProgramMembers only
The program offers tax credits for site cleanup and redevelopment (tangible property credit) of brownfield sites accepted into the BCP. Redevelopment credits may be increased depending on the cleanup level obtained, whether it is in an EN-Zone or...
Brownfield ProgramMembers only
Wisconsin’s Brownfield Program provides grant funds to assist local governments, businesses and individuals with assessing and remediating the environmental contamination of an abandoned, idle or underused industrial or commercial facility or site.
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CDFA Bookstore
Tax Credit Finance Reference Guide
The Tax Credit Finance Reference Guide provides an exploratory overview of how communities can use tax credit finance programs, such as New Markets Tax Credits, Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, or Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits, to support...
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