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Bond Finance Resource Center

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Bonds are the bedrock of public development finance. They have been used to help build roads, bridges, sewers, dams, and thousand of other public and private projects. Bonds are issued and sold to the investing public by governmental entities to finance both governmental activities and the development of physical infrastructure and local economies.

There are two types of bonds: Government Bonds (GOs) and Private Activity Bonds (PABs). GOs may be used for many public purposes (e.g., highways, schools, bridges, sewers, jails, parks, government equipment and buildings, etc.). Private entities may not significantly use, operate, control, or own the facilities that are being financed. GOs benefit the general public, while PABs benefit private entities. PABs are the development finance mechanisms that drive projects involving both the public and private sector.

The CDFA Bond Finance Resource Center contains development finance tools that can be used to better understand the essentials of bond finance. Over 50,000 individual governments and authorities around the country issue bonds and the Bond Finance Resource Center is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information, case studies, and educational materials on the uses and function of bonds.

Want regular updates on bond financing? Subscribe to CDFA's Bond Finance Update newsletter.


-Understanding Bond Finance

Bonds are the bedrock of public development finance and serve as the primary source for financing many types of projects, including infrastructure, industrial development, and urban development. This section contains resources on understanding the basics of bond financing.

Read more about Bond Finance

Bonds as a Bedrock of Development FinanceMembers only Login
Bond financing remains the bedrock development finance tool for economic development. Seth Crone with The Bank of New York Mellon and Lee McCormick with Community Development Associates discuss how this long-standing tool can be used today to provide a significant portion of a project’s capital stack with a special focus on bond financing programs in Texas. Presenters from bond agencies and capital market firms will walk through bond deals and explore strategies for maximizing the tool throughout the state.
Municipal Bonds - Common TermsMembers only Login
RBC Wealth Management produced this brief glossary explaining some of the more commonly-used terms unique to the municipal bond industry.
Project Finance: Leveraging the Capital Stack
Financing economic development projects through bonds and a combination of other development finance tools is discussed by Jason Rittenberg in this cover story from Development Finance Perspectives, Issue 1 | 2012. The article features project photos submitted by CDFA members.
Built by Bonds
This unique publication from CDFA provides the definitive argument for tax-exempt bond finance, which is a critical tool for American economic development and job creation. Using both qualitative and quantitative analysis, Built by Bonds demonstrates the proven efficiency of tax-exempt bonds.
Bonds and the BasicsMembers only Login
Michael Barnes with Saul Ewing gave this overview presentation of tax-exempt bond finance and industrial development bonds.


View all Bond Finance Resources

-Private Activity Bonds

Private Activity Bonds (PABs) may be used to address numerous economic development finance needs. They are issued for the benefit of private activities.

New TEFRA Regulations for Qualified Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
Beginning April 1, 2019, issuers of qualified private activity bonds will be governed by a new set of TEFRA regulations (the Final TEFRA Regulations). The Final TEFRA Regulations, which stem from the Treasury Department’s 2017 Proposed Regulations (REG 128841-07, September 28, 2017), retain many of the procedures and requirements described in the 2017 Proposed Regulations.
IRS Publication 4078: Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
This IRS Publication 4078, Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds, provides a revised overview of the general federal tax law rules that apply to qualified private activity bonds.
IRS Publication 5005- Your Responsibilities as a Conduit Issuer of Tax-Exempt BondsMembers only Login
The IRS Publication 5005 provides an overview for state and local governments of the responsibilities of the conduit issuer with respect to the tax compliance in municipal financing arrangements commonly known as conduit financings.
Private Activity Bonds: An IntroductionMembers only Login
An Introduction to Private Activity Bonds from the Congressional Research Service.
Private Activity Bonds 101Members only Login
Bill Spivey from Florida Development Finance Corporation and Joe Stanton from Broad and Cassel cover the fundamentals of bonds and give a brief overview of the bond market in Florida.
View more PAB Resources

-Types of Private Activity Bonds

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) permits the financing of several types of facilities using qualified PABs, although they may be used partially or entirely for private purposes:
501(c)(3) Bonds
501(c)(3) Bonds finance projects owned and used by not-for-profit corporations that qualify for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC.

  • Introduction to Qualified 501(c)(3) BondsMembers only
    An Introduction to Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds Presentations at the Annual Institute on Advising Nonprofit Organizations
  • IRS Publication 4077: 501(c)(3) BondsMembers only
    This publication from the IRS describes rules that apply to a particular type of qualified private activity bonds: qualified 501(c)(3) bonds. This Publication also addresses practices and steps an issuer or 501(c)(3) organization can take to protect the tax-exempt status of qualified 501(c)(3) bonds.
    View more 501(c)(3) Bond Resources

  • Industrial Development Bonds
    Industrial Development Bonds are issued for qualified manufacturing projects, with a total bond issuance limit of ten million dollars.

  • Industrial Development Bond FinancingMembers only
    This resource deals with tax-exempt bond financing. This is a special form of financing available for construction of new manufacturing facilities, for an expansion of existing manufacturing facilities and for rehabilitation of existing manufacturing facilities.
  • The Power of Private Activity Bonds (PABs) Case Studies: Industrial Development BondsMembers only
    Mr. Russell Goings, III Senior Vice President of Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. presented the Power of Private Activity Bonds and four industrial development bonds case studies.
    View more Industrial Development Bond Resources

  • Exempt Facility Bonds
    Exempt Facility Bonds have a wide scope of use, and implementation varies by state or local government.

  • IRS Lesson on Exempt Facility BondsMembers only
    This document from the IRS teaches readers about Exempt Facility Bonds.
  • Exempt Facility Bonds for Water and Wastewater InfrastructureMembers only
    This 1-page issue brief from the Common Ground Alliance discusses how Exempt Facility Bonds can be used to finance water and wastewater infrastructure.
    View more Exempt Facility Bond Resources

  • Qualified Redevelopment Bonds
    These bonds are typically issued for projects that involve special district financing, such as Tax Increment Financing (TIF).

  • Understanding TIF Bond Financing - Lori TrevinoMembers only
    Lori Trevino with Moody's Investor Services presents on Understanding TIF Bond Financing during the Intro TIF WebCourse.
  • Tax Increment BondsMembers only
    Michael Stock of Standard & Poor's presents on TIF bonds detailing the rating process, management, legal considerations, volatility ratio and more.
    View more Qualified Redevelopment Bond Resources

  • Aggie Bonds
    These bonds are small issue bonds and exist in many states to support agricultural investment.

  • Beginning Farmer Loan "Aggie Bond" ProgramMembers only
    Tammy Nebola from the Iowa Agricultural Development Division presents on the Aggie-Bond program in Iowa.
  • Tax-Exempt Bond Financing for Beginning and Low-Equity Farmers: The Case of Aggie BondsMembers only
    Established in the 1980s, the ‘‘Aggie Bond’’ program provides beginning and low-equity farmers with access to capital. The bonds, which pay tax-exempt interest, may be used by qualifying famers for purchases of farm real estate and equipment. The authors use 25 years of data to examine whether the Aggie Bond program has had an impact on farm entrance, land ownership, and the size of operation.
    View more Aggie Bond Resources

  • Green Bonds
    Businesses and governments issue green bonds to raise funds for a range of environmental projects.

  • Financing Low-Carbon Buildings and Energy Efficiency in the Green Bond MarketMembers only
    There are substantial opportunities to leverage green bonds to finance low-carbon buildings and energy efficiency in the country. Issuance across the world shows that capital markets can be accessed to finance energy efficiency and buildings. Financing climate adaptation and resilience also presents opportunities.
  • Growing the U.S. Green Bond MarketMembers only
    The United States’ deteriorating infrastructure is woefully underprepared to address the challenge of adapting to climate change. The funding gap has presented an opportunity for global capital markets to create investment vehicles that provide long-term yield, while also helping communities mitigate or adapt to the effects of global warming. One such vehicle that has arisen in the past decade is the green bond: a traditional fixed income security with an additional layer of environmental sustainability.
    View more Green Bond Resources
  • -Arbitrage & Rebate

    IRS Publication 4078: Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
    This IRS Publication 4078, Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds, provides a revised overview of the general federal tax law rules that apply to qualified private activity bonds.
    Advanced Topics in ArbitrageMembers only Login
    This lesson from the IRS reviews the elements of the different derivative and hedge products used in the municipal market. Derivative structures often involve credit enhancement in various forms. This lesson also reviews the requirements and treatment of qualified guarantees.
    Making Something Positive from Negative Arbitrage Re: Public Finance TaxMembers only Login
    Michael Cullers from Squire Patton Boggs writes on arbitrage and how an issuer might be able to derive some benefit from current negative arbitrage by foregoing otherwise available exceptions to yield restriction.
    IRS Conference: Arbitrage Yield Restrictions & Rebate ComplianceMembers only Login
    The IRS Office of Tax Exempt Bonds provided this presentation on arbitrage yield restrictions and rebate compliance. Topics include an arbitrage overview, filing requirements, and the rebate claims process.
    View more Arbitrage & Rebate Resources

    -Bond Insurance

    Credit Enhancement: Letter of Credit & Bond Insurance Options
    During this webcast our expert panel with Tony Portuondo at BNY Mellon, Steve Eikenberry with First American Bank, Scott Richbourg with Build America Mutual, and Chris Chafizadeh with Assured Guaranty discussed how credit enhancement works, what to expect given current market conditions, and the types of projects that have most successfully utilized bond insurance.
    Is Bond Insurance an Option Again?
    The availability of bond insurance has been scarce since about 2007, when bond insurers began to see ratings downgrades during the financial crisis. In fact, at that time, seven bond insurers where triple A rated, but now several are no longer in business and none have maintained their once high ratings. Last July, Build America Mutual (BAM), a new municipal bond insurer, was introduced, and many are wondering if bond insurance has found a new life. During this webcast, we heard Scott Richbourg and Don Farrell of Build America Mutual and Bill Hogan and Chris Chafizedah of Assured Guaranty discuss the latest in bond insurance, if it is a viable option again, and how issuers can access bond insurance if they desire.
    View more Bond Insurance Resources

    -Credit Enhancement

    Letters of Credit (LOC) for Community DevelopmentMembers only Login
    Patrick Rutledge, Public Finance Relationship Manager for FHLBank Atlanta, provides an overview of LOCs and discusses opportunities for affordable housing and economic development.
    Credit Enhancement: Letter of Credit & Bond Insurance Options
    During this webcast our expert panel with Tony Portuondo at BNY Mellon, Steve Eikenberry with First American Bank, Scott Richbourg with Build America Mutual, and Chris Chafizadeh with Assured Guaranty discussed how credit enhancement works, what to expect given current market conditions, and the types of projects that have most successfully utilized bond insurance.
    View more Credit Enhancement Resources

    -Deal Structuring

    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: What Your Bond Finance Team Worries AboutMembers only Login
    During this webinar, Bethany Pugh, Managing Director at PFM, Todd Fraizer, Managing Director at PFM, Austin McGuan, Director, Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Matthew Eisel, Managing Director at PFM, and Robert McCarthy, Partner with Bricker & Eckler LLP discussed what bond finance teams across the country worry about.
    View more Deal Structuring Resources

    -Post-Issuance Compliance

    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: What Your Bond Finance Team Worries AboutMembers only Login
    During this webinar, Bethany Pugh, Managing Director at PFM, Todd Fraizer, Managing Director at PFM, Austin McGuan, Director, Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Matthew Eisel, Managing Director at PFM, and Robert McCarthy, Partner with Bricker & Eckler LLP discussed what bond finance teams across the country worry about.
    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: Regulatory Landscape with MSRB and SEC FrameworkMembers only Login
    This session discussed the recent amendments and how to prepare. The discussion included insights and reminders about how to remain compliant in all areas from main regulatory bodies for bond financing in the capital markets. Speakers on this session included Teri Guarnaccia with Ballard Spahr LLP, Leo Karwejna with Public Financial Management, and Julia Cooper with the City of San Jose.
    2019 Proposed Bond Reissuance RegulationsMembers only Login
    The Department of the Treasury's IRS released new Proposed Regulations regarding Bond Reissuance. The Proposed Regulations address the subject of “reissuance” in connection with issues of tax-exempt obligations. The Proposed Regulations generally follow the guidance set forth in IRS Notice 2008-41, 2008-1 CB 742.
    IRS Publication 4078: Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
    This IRS Publication 4078, Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds, provides a revised overview of the general federal tax law rules that apply to qualified private activity bonds.
    IRS Publication 5005- Your Responsibilities as a Conduit Issuer of Tax-Exempt BondsMembers only Login
    The IRS Publication 5005 provides an overview for state and local governments of the responsibilities of the conduit issuer with respect to the tax compliance in municipal financing arrangements commonly known as conduit financings.
    View more Post-Issuance Compliance Resources

    -Rating Agencies

    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: Regulatory Landscape with MSRB and SEC FrameworkMembers only Login
    This session discussed the recent amendments and how to prepare. The discussion included insights and reminders about how to remain compliant in all areas from main regulatory bodies for bond financing in the capital markets. Speakers on this session included Teri Guarnaccia with Ballard Spahr LLP, Leo Karwejna with Public Financial Management, and Julia Cooper with the City of San Jose.
    Management Capacity and State Municipal Bond Ratings: Evidence With the GPP GradesMembers only Login
    This study, authored by Jerry Zhao and David Guo, finds that states with higher GPP grades tend to have higher state GO bond ratings, but the relationship may be nonlinear as people are more sensitive to the extremes of perceived performance. In particular, the researchers observe a “performance premium” scenario in which S&P bond ratings grow at an increasing rate as state GPP grades improve.
    View more Rating Agencies Resources

    -Rules and Regulations

    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: What Your Bond Finance Team Worries AboutMembers only Login
    During this webinar, Bethany Pugh, Managing Director at PFM, Todd Fraizer, Managing Director at PFM, Austin McGuan, Director, Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Matthew Eisel, Managing Director at PFM, and Robert McCarthy, Partner with Bricker & Eckler LLP discussed what bond finance teams across the country worry about.
    New TEFRA Regulations for Qualified Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
    Beginning April 1, 2019, issuers of qualified private activity bonds will be governed by a new set of TEFRA regulations (the Final TEFRA Regulations). The Final TEFRA Regulations, which stem from the Treasury Department’s 2017 Proposed Regulations (REG 128841-07, September 28, 2017), retain many of the procedures and requirements described in the 2017 Proposed Regulations.
    CDFA - PFM Capital Markets Webinar Series: Regulatory Landscape with MSRB and SEC FrameworkMembers only Login
    This session discussed the recent amendments and how to prepare. The discussion included insights and reminders about how to remain compliant in all areas from main regulatory bodies for bond financing in the capital markets. Speakers on this session included Teri Guarnaccia with Ballard Spahr LLP, Leo Karwejna with Public Financial Management, and Julia Cooper with the City of San Jose.
    2019 Proposed Bond Reissuance RegulationsMembers only Login
    The Department of the Treasury's IRS released new Proposed Regulations regarding Bond Reissuance. The Proposed Regulations address the subject of “reissuance” in connection with issues of tax-exempt obligations. The Proposed Regulations generally follow the guidance set forth in IRS Notice 2008-41, 2008-1 CB 742.
    IRS Publication 4078: Private Activity BondsMembers only Login
    This IRS Publication 4078, Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds, provides a revised overview of the general federal tax law rules that apply to qualified private activity bonds.
    View more Rules and Regulation Resources

    -Volume Cap Map and Database

    CDFA Volume Cap Resource Center

    The CDFA Volume Cap Resource Center allows users to search, sort, and compare comprehensive private activity bond volume cap data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia dating back to 2005.

    Visit the CDFA Volume Cap Resource Center

    How the Cap Is Used

    -Case Studies

    CDFA Food Systems Finance Best Practices Guidebook
    Linking development finance and food systems can be a daunting undertaking for any community. Research on the current ecosystem of food systems finance has positioned CDFA to identify key strategies for the path ahead in this work. The Food Systems Finance Best Practices Guidebook defines how traditional development finance tools can be used to launch and expand food and agricultural-related businesses and projects, and create successful food systems finance programs at the local and regional levels.
    Limits of Disclosure Regulation in the Municipal Bond Market
    Using a novel data set on municipal private debt disclosures, the authors of this academic research study the effectiveness and market impact of disclosure regulation in the municipal debt market. By comparing reportable private debt events to the universe of realized disclosures, we find evidence that issuers significantly underreport private debt.
    State of the Market 2021 - Climate Bonds InitiativeMembers only Login
    This is the first State of the Market Report for North America. This report describes the shape and size of labelled green, social and sustainability (GSS) debt issued by entities domiciled in either the USA or Canada extending to the end of March 2021 (Q1 2021).
    CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Bond Financing for Disaster Response
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, we looked at how bonds act as a resilient economic driver by financing the critical facilities and infrastructure that stabilize local economies during and after crises.
    CDFA Charter Schools Financing Initiative: Development Finance Strategies for Charter Schools
    CDFA's first publication of the CDFA Charter Schools Financing Initiative series, funded with support from the National Alliance For Public Charter Schools. This paper demonstrates how charter schools can access development finance tools and public finance and provides real-world examples of how these tools have been successfully implemented.
    View more Case Studies



    Development Bond Finance Reference Guide
    The Development Bond Finance Reference Guide provides practitioners with a solid foundation for understanding the use of tax-exempt bonds, with an emphasis on small issue industrial development bonds and 501(C)(3) bonds. With numerous examples of sample bond transactions and a glossary of municipal finance terms, this guide covers the essential elements of private activity bonds and the issuance process. 
    Advanced Bond Finance Reference Guide
    The Advanced Bond Finance Reference Guide is written for professionals who already have an understanding of tax-exempt financing and seek detailed instruction on complex financing techniques, including the application of financial derivatives, advance refundings, how to spot arbitrage issues, and investing bond proceeds. Also included are seven case studies of proven state and city bond guaranty programs. 
    Practitioner's Guide to Economic Development Finance
    The Practitioner's Guide to Economic Development Finance 2nd Edition is the only comprehensive resource dedicated to building and utilizing the development finance toolbox. The Practitioner's Guide provides the insight and practical information needed to critically understand how economic development is financed and the tools, strategies and techniques used to build strong communities. From bonds, tax increment finance and special districts to tax credits, seed & venture capital, revolving loan funds and much more, this Guide outlines the financing tools required for succeeding in today's competitive economic development climate.
    Unlocking Capital: A Handbook for Becoming a High Performing Development Finance Agency
    Unlocking Capital: A Handbook for Becoming a High Performing Development Finance Agency (Handbook) serves as a companion to the Practitioner’s Guide to help illuminate the structures of development finance agencies (DFAs), essential conduits to access development finance tools. The Handbook provides an overview of DFAs and their myriad roles in various development efforts. Included in this discussion is a comprehensive look at over a dozen high-performing DFAs throughout the country. The Handbook is designed to be a starting point for local leaders to engage in the creation or acceleration of a DFA to build and utilize the development finance toolbox.
    View more Publications

    -Upcoming Events

    CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Bond Rating Roundtable
    October 22, 2024
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, speakers from various credit rating agencies will discuss their rating criteria and methodology. The discussion will also encompass factors influencing bond ratings, along with case studies highlighting projects that experienced positive outcomes due to improved bond ratings.
    CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Bond Financing for Manufacturers & Non-Profits
    November 19, 2024
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists will tap into the core principles of tax-exempt financing for manufacturers and 501(c)(3) organizations, covering key aspects such as eligible issuers, assets, and projects, private business use test, and best practices.
    CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Exploring Common Bond Reserve Funds
    December 17, 2024
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, local practitioners will present their Common Bond Reserve Fund program models to demonstrate the potential of this innovative pathway for increasing access to capital.
    View more Upcoming Events


    CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Exploring New IIJA Bond Categories
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists provide an overview of these two new categories and illustrate how they might be better utilized in communities across the country.
    CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Financing Charter Schools with Social Bonds
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists discuss how social bonds can be used to provide low-interest loans to high-performing public charter schools to provide transformative educational opportunities for students.
    CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Navigating ESG in the Bond Market
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists discuss ESG principles, how they have impacted the bond market, what role they play in the larger financial market, and where they see those impacts continuing in 2024 and beyond.
    CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Impacts of Inflation on Bond Yields, Arbitrage, and Rates
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists walk through the impact of rate hikes on yield and arbitrage and share best practices for managing these impacts.
    CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: AI & Bonds
    During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, panelists unravel the multifaceted dimensions of AI's role in the municipal market, potential advantages and challenges that arise from embracing AI, and its impact on development finance.
    View more Webcasts

    CDFA National Sponsors

    • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
    • BNY Mellon
    • Bricker Graydon LLP
    • Business Oregon
    • CohnReznick
    • Frost Brown Todd LLP
    • Grow America | Formerly NDC
    • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
    • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
    • Ice Miller LLP
    • KeyBanc Capital Markets
    • Kutak Rock LLP
    • McGuireWoods
    • MuniCap, Inc.
    • NW Financial Group, LLC
    • PGAV Planners, LLC
    • Raza Development Fund
    • SB Friedman Development Advisors
    • Stifel Nicolaus
    • The Bond Buyer
    • U.S. Bank
    • Wells Fargo Securities
    Become a Sponsor