Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
City Center TIF in Bowling Green, KYMembers only
Mary Cohron with Warren County Downtown Economic Development Authority provides details on the City Center TIF in Bowling Green, KY. The presentation covers revitalization to transform the area into a Downtown gateway for Western Kentucky University.
Deals You Should Do!Members only
Stephen Friedman, President of SB Friedman, cover the ways individual development finance tools can be combine to create the extraordinary deals that bring about amazing developments. From TIF and special assessment to the full municipal credit and...
2013 Tribal Brownfields and Response Programs
This report highlights how tribes are using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program funding to address contaminated land in Indian country and other tribal lands. It also provides a historic overview of EPA’s Brownfields...
Bonds and Borrowing: An Introduction
Vicki Elmer with UC Berkeley begins this paper with some general facts about bonds before moving into a discussion of the decision to borrow. Different types of bonds are described along with the bond issuance process.
Florida's Special DistrictsMembers only
Jack Gaskins Jr. with the Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity explains the basics of special districts, their benefits, different types of special districts, and the accountability program in Florida.
Unlocking Capital AccessMembers only
Paul Krutko discusses the mission, organization, and goals of Ann Arbor SPARK, while also describing the organization's extensive network and role in assisting business' within the Ann Arbor region.
The LEADS ProgramMembers only
Nicholas Terzulli of the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency discusses the LEADS program and the impact of the program on Nassau County.
P3 Issues and ConsiderationsMembers only
Practical Law Finance discusses public private partnerships (P3s) including when they should be used to develop infrastructure projects. This resource also discusses the most commonly used P3 structures, alternatives and how infrastructure projects...
TIF Policy Guidelines for City of ChicagoMembers only
The Department of Housing and Economic Development summarizes TIF investment policies and guidelines for private development projects. Also included is information on long-term monitoring of TIF projects as well as policies governing TIF...
Tax Increment Financing District FAQMembers only
Thomas N. Jacob & Associates provide answers to some frequently asked questions on tax increment financing districts and demonstrate TIFs usefulness as a tool for attracting economic development, new investments, and community renewal.
Local Initiatives to Redevelop Brownfields
The Northeast Midwest Institute surveys innovative local initiatives to help revitalize brownfields. This presentation provides case studies from across the country and an array of financing strategies.
Ontario Brownfields Showcase Volume I
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a Brownfields Showcase which provides an overview of brownfields redevelopment opportunities, tools, strategies and case studies.
Ontario Brownfields Showcase Volume II
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a Brownfields Showcase Part II, which provides an updated overview of brownfields redevelopment opportunities, tools, strategies and new case studies.
Texas Small Business Needs Assessment PollMembers only
To learn more about the challenges and successes of small businesses across the state, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Community Development Office has launched the Texas Small Business Needs Assessment Poll, a partnership with the Texas Small...