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Search Results: Local Finance Program
Displaying 101 - 150 of 600 Previous | Next | New Search
Smart Incentives & TechnologyMembers only Login
Ellen Harpel of Smart Incentives and Kent Gardner of CGR present at the National Development Finance Summit workshop on smart incentives and technology for economic development.
Combining TIF with Special AssessmentsMembers only Login
John Brancaglione from PGAV Planners explains how St. Louis combined tax increment finance with special assessment. The finance was used to build a levee and prevent flooding in the district.
City Center TIF in Bowling Green, KYMembers only Login
Mary Cohron with Warren County Downtown Economic Development Authority provides details on the City Center TIF in Bowling Green, KY. The presentation covers revitalization to transform the area into a Downtown gateway for Western Kentucky University.
Deals You Should Do!Members only Login
Stephen Friedman, President of SB Friedman, cover the ways individual development finance tools can be combine to create the extraordinary deals that bring about amazing developments. From TIF and special assessment to the full municipal credit and...
2014 National Development Finance Summit - Aleks GranchalekMembers only Login
In this presentation by Aleks Granchalek, Director at William Blair & Company, government considerations in project delivery models are examined. These models include public-private partnerships (P3s).
The SEC’s MCDC Initiative: Where To Go From HereMembers only Login
With the deadline to self-report quickly approaching SEC’s MCDC Initiative, Katten Law Firm set forth a number of items that obligors and underwriters should consider as they prepare to go through the MCDC process.
2013 Tribal Brownfields and Response Programs
This report highlights how tribes are using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program funding to address contaminated land in Indian country and other tribal lands. It also provides a historic overview of EPA’s Brownfields...
Notice to Divide Tax for Community Redevelopment Project FormMembers only Login
This form is used in Nebraska to request that the county assessor divide the real property taxes of the parcels located in a new community redevelopment project or tax increment financing project (TIF).
Bonds and Borrowing: An Introduction
Vicki Elmer with UC Berkeley begins this paper with some general facts about bonds before moving into a discussion of the decision to borrow. Different types of bonds are described along with the bond issuance process.
Florida's Special DistrictsMembers only Login
Jack Gaskins Jr. with the Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity explains the basics of special districts, their benefits, different types of special districts, and the accountability program in Florida.
Economic Development Incentives and the Detroit TIF StoryMembers only Login
Art Papapanos of the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation discusses available development incentives involving a variety of sectors, in addition to providing several successful projects in Detroit.
Unlocking Capital AccessMembers only Login
Paul Krutko discusses the mission, organization, and goals of Ann Arbor SPARK, while also describing the organization's extensive network and role in assisting business' within the Ann Arbor region.
The LEADS ProgramMembers only Login
Nicholas Terzulli of the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency discusses the LEADS program and the impact of the program on Nassau County.
The Role of the Cumberland County Improvement Authority In Expanding Pathways for Economic GrowthMembers only Login
Jerry Velazquez discusses the Cumberland Country Improvement Authority's projects and methods of building new opportunities.
An Overview of Special Purpose Taxing DistrictsMembers only Login
This publication from the National Association of Home Builders provides an overview of using special purpose taxing districts for public improvements.
P3 Issues and ConsiderationsMembers only Login
Practical Law Finance discusses public private partnerships (P3s) including when they should be used to develop infrastructure projects. This resource also discusses the most commonly used P3 structures, alternatives and how infrastructure projects...
Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts How-To GuideMembers only Login
The California Economic Summit released this guide describing a new infrastructure financing model approved by the California State Legislature.
New York City EDC Capital Division BrochureMembers only Login
This brochure from the New York City Economic Development Corporation's Capital Division highlights their purpose within the organization, the strengths of their team, and a portfolio of recent projects.
Creation, Implementation, and Evaluation of Tax Increment FinancingMembers only Login
This best practices guide from Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) provides considerations and recommendations for governments wishing to implement appropriate and effective TIF districts for economic development.
TIF Policy Guidelines for City of ChicagoMembers only Login
The Department of Housing and Economic Development summarizes TIF investment policies and guidelines for private development projects. Also included is information on long-term monitoring of TIF projects as well as policies governing TIF...
To Report or Not – The SEC’s New MCDC InitiativeMembers only Login
This webinar presented by Ballard Spahr focused on what various participants in the municipal market, including issuers, borrowers, and underwriters, need to know about the MCDC initiative and considerations that should be made before self-reporting.
Brownfields Redevelopment: A Guidebook for Local Governments and Communities
When the International City/County Management Association first published this guide in 1997, it was the first comprehensive brownfields guidebook written specifically for local government officials and community leaders. In the brief time since...
Kutak Rock Public Finance Client Alert - SEC MCDC InitiativeMembers only Login
Kutak Rock LLP provides information on the SEC MCDC Initiative including when and what must be self-reported, who can self-report, and considerations for issuers and underwriters.
Pennsylvania Economic Development Tools: Including the NIZ, the CRIZ, and TIFsMembers only Login
Scott Shearer with Public Financial Management describes Pennsylvania's unique targeted redevelopment tools, their structuring, benefits, and differences from one another.
Greening Vacant Lots: Planning and Implementation Strategies
This report by NatLab include several case studies exemplifying how green infrastructure can help reduce pollution, lower municipal sewage cost, re-purpose vacant land, and other benefits.
Creating Clean Water Cash Flows: Developing Private Markets for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in PhiladelphiaMembers only Login
NatLab provides approaches cities can take to attain their clean water goals by leveraging private capital for green infrastructure investment. Some tools include P3s, Tax Incentives, and Community Development Financial Institutions.
Business Improvement District - Strategic Plan (U District)Members only Login
The U District Partnership is an example of a Business Improvement District. The district was forged between the Seattle, the UW, Sound Transit, Business Owners, Property Owners, and Residents of the District. This Strategic Plan demonstrates areas...
Tax Increment Financing District FAQMembers only Login
Thomas N. Jacob & Associates provide answers to some frequently asked questions on tax increment financing districts and demonstrate TIFs usefulness as a tool for attracting economic development, new investments, and community renewal.
Promoting Brownfield Redevelopment: Role of Public-Private Partnerships
Charles Bartsch explains the significance public-private partnerships can play in successfully mitigating and redeveloping brownfield sites. Bartsch provides components and steps in successful partnerships.
Local Initiatives to Redevelop Brownfields
The Northeast Midwest Institute surveys innovative local initiatives to help revitalize brownfields. This presentation provides case studies from across the country and an array of financing strategies.
Small Towns, Big Ideas: Case Studies in Economic Development
The North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center released this report to help small towns create new economic opportunities, learn about successful revitalization strategies, and explore alternative project financing approaches.
Challenging Projects, Diverse Communities, Creative Tax Credit SolutionsMembers only Login
Jet Hollingsworth with Butler Snow LLP talks on how a variety of tax credits are being used to help finance community development projects in rural, small town and urban settings.
Ontario Brownfields Showcase Volume I
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a Brownfields Showcase which provides an overview of brownfields redevelopment opportunities, tools, strategies and case studies.
Ontario Brownfields Showcase Volume II
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a Brownfields Showcase Part II, which provides an updated overview of brownfields redevelopment opportunities, tools, strategies and new case studies.
Financing the Food SystemMembers only Login
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, “Farm to Plate Strategic Plan,” provides details on funds and financing, along with emerging models for Vermont's food system.
Local Foods: A Guide for Investors & PhilanthropistsMembers only Login
This paper outlines the opportunities for growth and investment opportunities in the local foods supply chain for philanthropic and profit-seeking investors.
Financing Farming in the U.S: Strategic Financing for Small and Midsized FarmsMembers only Login
This report documents the reasons for the hole between the capital needs of the smaller-scale agriculture sector and access to capital, and strategies to create successful lending relationships between the two.
NH Tax Increment Financing DistrictMembers only Login
This presentation from the Economic Development Manager of Rochester, NH provides an overview of TIF legislation in the state (RSA 162-K), illustrates how TIF Districts work, and offers Best Practices.
City of Berlin, WI TIF Feasibility StudyMembers only Login
This feasibility study lays out a guide for the City of Berlin to follow to ensure the TIF district yields consistent revenues for funding future projects.
Improving Infrastructure Through Public Private PartnershipsMembers only Login
The Eno Center for Transportation released this report with policy recommendations for making public-private partnerships (P3) an effective means of delivering public infrastructure from the federal and local level.
Urban Agriculture & Sustainable Food Systems Resource GuideMembers only Login
The Institute for Sustainable Communities provided this sustainable food systems resource guide. It is intended to help local, state, and regional practitioners do their jobs better by exploring key challenges and elevating effective models and...
Developing a Sustainable Food SystemMembers only Login
This City Practice Brief from the National League of Cities provides examples of cities enabling urban agriculture, increasing access to healthy food, and reducing waste in order to have a sustainable food system.
Models & Guidelines: Planning for the Food SystemMembers only Login
This publication from the Maryland Department of Planning, outlines how the food system is central to our current and future use of land, to our economy, and to our well-being, and is therefore a priority for planning.
Creating a Community Investment Fund: A Local Food ApproachMembers only Login
This guide describes the process by which a small group of local food advocates began creating an investment fund in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts. This guide aims to help communities across the United States create their own...
Mid-Columbia Economic Development District RLF FactsheetMembers only Login
The Mid-Columbia Economic Development District offers loans for the financing needs of businesses with favorable rates, terms and requirements to support businesses and create jobs. This factsheet gives an overview of the business assistance...
Texas Small Business Needs Assessment PollMembers only Login
To learn more about the challenges and successes of small businesses across the state, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Community Development Office has launched the Texas Small Business Needs Assessment Poll, a partnership with the Texas Small...
Displaying 101 - 150 of 600 Previous | Next | New Search

CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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