Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
The 2016 Economy: Our “Slow, Steady Ride”
R. Christopher Jones of the Florida Economic Advisors, LLC discusses the state’s and nation’s economic development finance climate, development realities, access to capital opportunities and the prospect for economic advancement.
David Gabrielson of PACENation explains the basic concepts of PACE and how it is beneficial for local governments and property owners in the state, with a special focus on the burgeoning Florida PACE market.
The Latest on Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs)
Susan Rosenthal of the Energy Programs Consortium outlines how QECBs will be allocated in the state of Florida, what kinds of projects are approved for QECBs and the implications of their use in Florida renewable energy financing.
Operating a Successful PACE Program
Cliff Staton of Renew Financial offers a glimpse of the complex operations managed by PACE providers to offer this financing option to Florida communities.
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds
Tony Morgan of Florida’s Office of Energy teaches about how QECBs will be allocated in the state of Florida, what kinds of projects are approved for QECBs and the implications of their use in Florida renewable energy financing.
PACE Expansion in Florida
Devesh Nirmul of Renew Financial explains the basic concepts of PACE and how it is beneficial for local governments and property owners in the state, with a special focus on the burgeoning Florida PACE market.
Private Activity Bonds 101Members only Login
Bill Spivey from Florida Development Finance Corporation and Joe Stanton from Broad and Cassel cover the fundamentals of bonds and give a brief overview of the bond market in Florida.
Bond Financing for Not-for-ProfitsMembers only Login
Ron Braun from Stern Brothers and Mike Hallmann from Lantern Associates cover bond financing to support organizations in the non-profit sector, including nursing homes, hospitals, educational facilities and K-12 charter schools, and other...
Who Buys Bonds?Members only Login
Steve Eikenberry from First American Bank provides a look at who buys bonds and explain the steps required to bring bonds to the capital markets through a trading desk.
Angel Finance in FloridaMembers only Login
Michael O'Donnell from Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at University of Central Florida explain what is needed to increase entrepreneurship in the Sunshine State.
Florida Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Annual Report: Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Program
The report analyzes the Brownfield Redevelopment Program from July 2013-June 2014. The program reached several major milestones, including 280 projected new direct jobs, 423 projected new indirect jobs and $11 million in projected new capital...
Florida's Special DistrictsMembers only Login
Jack Gaskins Jr. with the Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity explains the basics of special districts, their benefits, different types of special districts, and the accountability program in Florida.
Florida's Brownfield Redevelopment Program
The presentation outlines the structure, objectives, and financing mechanisms behind Florida's Brownfield Redevelopment Program. The process of designating areas is also discussed, in addition to the benefits of the program.
SSBCI 1.0 Audit Report: FloridaMembers only Login
The Dept. of the Treasury Office of Inspector General's review of Florida's SSBCI fund found most transactions complied with program requirements. However, the State participated in a $34.7M FLVCP investment that exceeded the $20M restriction.
Seven50 SE Florida Prosperity PlanMembers only Login
The Seven50 report is a regional plan encompassing 7 counties in southeast Florida and looking ahead to a 50-year timeframe. The plan assesses the region's current state and sets forth goals for 2060, including growing the economy and increasing...
Florida Rural Economic Development StudyMembers only Login
Enterprise Florida and Boyette Strategic Advisors developed an Economic Development Strategic Plan for Rural Florida. The study was developed with involvement of nearly 500 participants including economic professionals and elected officials in rural...