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Search Results: Innovation Finance
Displaying 101 - 150 of 655 Previous | Next | New Search
WIFIA Project Approval and Closing
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Project Approval and Closing - Learn about application submission and evaluation, term sheet development, and closing.
WIFIA Project SelectionMembers only Login
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Project Selection - Learn about the application and selection process, including the letter of interest components, selection criteria and their weights, and preliminary creditworthiness and...
Regional Fund of Funds ModelMembers only Login
Robert Heard from Cimarron Capital Partners explains a funds of funds approach to help connect entrepreneurs and venture capitalist.
Financing Entrepreneurs and Innovation in North CarolinaMembers only Login
Dave Neal from The Startup Factory, David Morris from the Forrest Firm and Thom Ruhe from NC IDEA talk about financing entrepreneurs and innovation in North Carolina.
CDFA // BNY Mellon Webcast Series: Manufacturing Finance: Bonds & Tax Increment Supporting the Industrial Renaissance Members only Login
This month’s CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series unlocked the financing tools that support new, expanding and relocating manufacturers.
State Small Business Tax Index 2016Members only Login
State and local taxes affect decisions made by entrepreneurs and businesses. And that’s the focus of SBE Council’s “Small Business Tax Index 2016.” Among the states, some are situated well from a competitive tax standpoint, with others moving in the...
MI 21st Century Jobs Trust FundMembers only Login
For most states, promoting entrepreneurship has not been part of the mainstream programmatic efforts of traditional economic-development policy. However certain states, such as Michigan, have had the foresight to support investments which foster an...
Downtown Redevelopment Districts WebcastMembers only Login
This Ohio focused webcast features a discussion on the recently passed the new Downtown Redevelopment District legislation (HB 233) that provides new tools, including property assessment and TIF-like provisions, available to rehabilitate historic...
Exploring Pittsburgh’s EcoInnovation District Members only Login
Michael Pehur (Duane Morris Government Strategies), Jeni Cooper (Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh), and Scott Page (Interface Studio LLC) discuss the current groundwork and timeline for Pittsburgh's EcoInnovation District, which combines...
CDFA Ohio Webcast: Downtown Redevelopment District Legislation
The Ohio General Assembly and Governor Kasich recently passed the new Downtown Redevelopment District legislation (HB 233) that provides new tools, including property assessment and TIF-like provisions, available to rehabilitate historic buildings,...
Kresge Community Finance RFP
Kresge Community Finance is a $30 million program-related investment finance offering to certified CDFIs and quasi-public or private DFAs. The foundation will select applications through a competitive Request-for-Proposals (RFP).
The Rise of Innovation DistrictsMembers only Login
Innovation Districts are creative urban ecosystems in which city leaders, start-ups, established firms, institutions, skilled workers, and entrepreneurs converge to capitalize upon new ideas and technological breakthroughs. Innovation districts are...
Innovation Districts Catalyze Jobs, Creativity, GrowthMembers only Login
Cities incubate creativity and serve as labs for innovative ideas and policies. The concept of an Innovation District is one such idea. These districts are creative, energy-laden ecosystems that focus on building partnerships across sectors.
Innovative Philanthropic Financing for Community ChangeMembers only Login
This report provides a detailed analysis of the major steps and players involved in the East Baltimore Revitalization Initiative.
New Jersey Incentives and Workforce Development GuideMembers only Login
Business Facilities provides a list of some of the incentives available for companies in New Jersey.
USDA Rural Development 2015 Progress ReportMembers only Login
The USDA Rural Development 2015 Progress Report details the tangible results across rural America that stemmed from investments by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Development team in local businesses, community infrastructure,...
Overview of Illinois’s Program Investments and OutcomesMembers only Login
In order to create a comprehensive picture of the economic development landscape, C2ER reviewed data from a range of state statutes, reports, and websites. The numbers contained in this report are CREC and C2ER’s best estimate of the dollars spent...
Overview of Wisconsin’s Program Investments and OutcomesMembers only Login
In order to create a comprehensive picture of the economic development landscape, C2ER reviewed data from a range of state statutes, reports, and websites. The numbers contained in this report are CREC and C2ER’s best estimate of the dollars spent...
Overview of Michigan’s Program Investments and OutcomesMembers only Login
In order to create a comprehensive picture of the economic development landscape, C2ER reviewed data from a range of state statutes, reports, and websites. The numbers contained in this report are CREC and C2ER’s best estimate of the dollars spent...
Overview of Kentucky’s Program Investments and OutcomesMembers only Login
In order to create a comprehensive picture of the economic development landscape, C2ER reviewed data from a range of state statutes, reports, and websites. The numbers contained in this report are CREC and C2ER’s best estimate of the dollars spent...
Los Angeles County Business Incentives and Resources GuideMembers only Login
LAEDC provide an updated edition of the LA County Business Incentives Guide. It provides details on all 88 cities and the county, and has the potential to help businesses' bottom line.
Funding Alternatives for the Un-bankableMembers only Login
Kedma Ough, Director of Small Business Development Center Mount Hood Community College, presents a number of alternative financing options available to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
The Ripple Effect
Impact Seven in Wisconsin provides a review of their success as a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), SBA and USDA loan programs manager, venture capitalist, and part-owner of a community development bank.
Regional Innovation Strategies ProgramMembers only Login
This webinar by the EDA’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) discusses the Regional Innovation Strategies Program competition to spur innovation capacity-building activities in regions across the nation.
Undercapitalization as a Contributing Factor to Business Failure for Women EntrepreneursMembers only Login
This study from the National Women's Business Council aims to develop a more nuanced understanding of the impact that undercapitalization and capital structure have on the business outcomes of women-owned firms.
Venture Capital Funding Landscape in FloridaMembers only Login
Dennis Pape from Florida Venture Sourcing presents on financing entrepreneurs and explains how venture capital fits into the landscape for entrepreneurs.
Angel Finance in FloridaMembers only Login
Michael O'Donnell from Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at University of Central Florida explain what is needed to increase entrepreneurship in the Sunshine State.
Brownfields Redevelopment: A Compendium of Case Studies, Volume 1
This report from the US Conference of Mayors provides several success stories in brownfield redevelopment from cities that have demonstrated their ability to utilize a variety of private and public resources.
Equity Funding in PAMembers only Login
Ryan Glenn from Ben Franklin Technology Partners covers the fundamentals of equity funding for small businesses and covers the current landscape of equity funding in PA.
Rural Health Trends, Reform and National OutlookMembers only Login
Chris Collins with the Office of Rural Health and Community Care details current rural health trends, reform, and national outlook. She discusses population, access, quality, payment, risks, and opportunities.
Financing Art and Culture DistrictsMembers only Login
This essay from the National Cultural Districts Exchange focuses on the financing, funding, and sustainability of art districts and the efforts underway in the cities of San Diego, Seattle, Baltimore, Dallas, and the state of Massachusetts.
Building Capital Infrastructure for Early-Stage BusinessesMembers only Login
Kate Hodel of U.S. SourceLink and Sallie Hemenway, Director for Missouri Department of Economic Development, touch on the State of Missouri's economic development toolkit.
Minority and Women Entrepreneurs: Building Capital, Networks, and SkillsMembers only Login
In this report, the Hamilton Project recommends three policy proposals including: expand funding for the SSBCI program; increase and make permanent the NMTC; and new federal funding for local skills acquisitions programs.
Georgia Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Pennsylvania Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's fact sheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Rhode Island Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
West Virginia Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
New Hampshire Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
New Jersey Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Washington Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's fact sheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Wyoming Rural MadeMembers only Login
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Ohio Rural Made
As a part of the USDA's commitment to strengthening rural economies, a state-by-state "Made in Rural America" report has been released for each state. Each state's factsheet highlights specific USDA investments in rural businesses, manufacturing,...
Displaying 101 - 150 of 655 Previous | Next | New Search

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  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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