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Search Results: Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 436 Previous | Next | New Search
Private Activity Bonds: An IntroductionMembers only Login
An Introduction to Private Activity Bonds from the Congressional Research Service.
The Low Income-Housing Tax Credit: Past Achievements, Future ChallengesMembers only Login
This report, produced by the Urban Institute, explores why LIHTC is a critical part of the housing safety net. The report details how and why the program has succeeded, the challenges it faces, and why the program is more important than ever.
Wisconsin State Housing Tax CreditMembers only Login
The changes and trends in the affordable housing industry have a large impact on Wisconsin communities. Continuing to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate income households is increasingly difficult. Luckily, there are...
CDFI Support for Affordable Housing Development in WisconsinMembers only Login
The changes and trends in the affordable housing industry have a large impact on Wisconsin communities. Continuing to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate income households is increasingly difficult. Luckily, there are...
Housing Tax Credit Investments: Investment and Operational PerformanceMembers only Login
This report is the seventh in a series of periodic reports issued by CohnReznick LLP that address the performance of properties financed with federal low-income housing tax credits.
Creative Tax Credit Financing In North Carolina: NMTC, HTC and LIHTCMembers only Login
Mary Nash Rusher of McGuireWoods LLP, Chris Leutzinger of SunTrust Bank, and Brian Oxford of CAHEC present on a panel regarding tax credit financing in North Carolina. This panel was moderated by Brien Desilets of Grant Thornton LLP.
Financing Solutions for the Missouri Housing MarketMembers only Login
The changes and trends in the affordable housing industry have a large impact on Missouri communities. Continuing to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate income households is increasingly difficult. Luckily, there are a...
Understanding Whom the LIHTC Serves: Data on Tenants in LIHTC Units as of December 31, 2015Members only Login
This report summarizes data received from the state housing finance agencies (HFAs) that administer the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. The HFAs are required by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008 to submit certain demographic and...
IRS Revenue Procedure for Opportunity Zones
This revenue procedure provides guidance to the Chief Executive Officers of any State, any possession of the United States, and the District of Columbia regarding the procedure for designating population census tracts as Qualified Opportunity Zones.
NCSHA Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration Members only Login
The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) have updated and revised their Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration. With help from industry partners, NCSHA combined their compliance monitoring polices with their allocation...
Successful Bond Financing Strategies throughout New EnglandMembers only Login
Rebecca Sullivan, Senior Vice President of MassDevelopment, walks through bond financing deals and explore strategies for maximizing the tool in New England, particularly focusing on providing capital to existing businesses and critical...
Financing for Attainable HousingMembers only Login
Jim Carras discusses how the workforce housing movement is building in Florida and talks about the different financing tools that can be assembled to address the gap needed to make workforce housing and affordable housing available.
Financing for Attainable HousingMembers only Login
Mitch Rosenstein discusses how the workforce housing movement is building in Florida and talks about the different financing tools that can be assembled to address the gap needed to make workforce housing and affordable housing available.
Historic Pike Place Market Renovation & Expansion ProjectMembers only Login
Emily Crawford and Sabina Proto present the expansion and renovation of the historic Pike Place Market. Not only does it provide a space for farmers and producers, it has become a public plaza that includes low-income housing, a neighborhood center,...
Financing for Workforce HousingMembers only Login
Brian Swanton discusses the workforce housing movement in Arizona, presents different financing tools for that can be assembled to address the gap needed to make workforce housing available, and presents some completed workforce housing case studies.
Financing for Workforce HousingMembers only Login
Marcos Ysmael discusses the workforce housing movement in Arizona, presents different financing tools for that can be assembled to address the gap needed to make workforce housing available, and presents some completed workforce housing case studies.
Financing for Workforce HousingMembers only Login
Corky Poster discusses the workforce housing movement in Arizona, presents different financing tools for that can be assembled to address the gap needed to make workforce housing available, and presents some completed workforce housing case studies.
Financing Mixed-Use Development - The Latest TrendsMembers only Login
Aaron Cooper discusses a unique mixed-use development finance case study in Ajo, AZ. This project explores the International Sonoran Desert Alliance project and it's impact on Ajo, AZ.
Financing Solutions for the Georgia Housing MarketMembers only Login
The changes and trends in the affordable housing industry have a large impact on Georgia communities. Continuing to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate income households is increasingly difficult. Luckily, there are a...
Arbitrage Compliance Guide for IssuersMembers only Login
This publication is a basic guide to the yield restriction and rebate requirements from the IRS. Understanding the arbitrage requirements can help issuers and conduit borrowers comply with their obligations and prevent violations of the arbitrage...
Financing Solutions for the Illinois Housing MarketMembers only Login
The changes and trends in the affordable housing industry have a large impact on Illinois communities. Continuing to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate income households is increasingly difficult. Luckily, there are a...
SC Financing for Workforce/Affordable Housing Members only Login
Ivory Mathews discusses how important contributor's to a community's workforce are in need of affordable housing close to their jobs. Workforce housing produces a more sustainable local economy which allows workers to afford to live near their place...
Combining Financing Tools for Missouri Development - St. Louis Development CorporationMembers only Login
Combining multiple incentives successfully requires attention to detail and often some creative structuring. Identifying program requirements and balancing the applicable incentives are steps that must be established early on for any potential...
Primer On Monitoring Post-Issuance ComplianceMembers only Login
This audio cast from the IRS covers the importance of implementing post-issuance compliance procedures and regularly monitoring those procedures to preserve the status of tax-advantaged bonds over the entire life of the bonds. Tax-advantaged bonds,...
Conduit Issuer ResponsibilitiesMembers only Login
This is part two, Conduit Issuer Responsibilities, of a three-part series for conduit issuers of tax-exempt financing This module focuses on some of the responsibilities conduit issuers have in ensuring, compliance necessary to retain the...
Conduit Issuers for Tax-Exempt Financings - Overview Members only Login
This presentation is part of the IRS's education and outreach efforts. The presentation provides an overview of the responsibilities of conduit issuers of tax-exempt financings. It focuses on the conduit issuer's role with respect to tax-exempt...
Harvey Rogers, Economic Development Financing in Oregon: from the Sublime to the RidiculousMembers only Login
Harvey Rogers described the current bond market in Oregon and explored bond financing case examples which prove their effectiveness in addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Financing Improvements for Energy Efficiency in OhioMembers only Login
Energy development is the fastest growing area of development finance nationwide. Paul Toth (Toledo-Lucas county Port Authority) discuss the financing mechanisms behind energy efficiency loans and bonds in Ohio.
Financing Affordable Housing Development in MichiganMembers only Login
Michigan is showing increasing economic strength. Despite this, the state’s housing market is not keeping up with an adequate number of homes affordable to low- and moderate-income households. Ben Stehouwer (Cinnaire) discusses the major changes and...
Creative Tax Credit Financing in Pennsylvania Communities- EvansMembers only Login
Dave Evans (Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP) discusses new markets tax credit financing opportunities in the state of Pennsylvania, with a close look at Community Development Entities.
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds Known Issued by State - May 2016Members only Login
Energy Consortium provides an update to reflect newly Qualified Energy Conservation Bond (QCEB) issuances known issued by states.
IRS Lesson on Exempt Facility BondsMembers only Login
This document from the IRS teaches readers about Exempt Facility Bonds.
Energy Investment Partnerships: Product Offerings & Market Assessment
Factsheet 2 of the Energy Investment Partnerships covers clean energy through bond markets, credit enhancements and capital markets, property assessed clean energy, and market assessment.
Colorado Housing Overview - OED HousingMembers only Login
Doug Selbee (City and County of Denver) discusses major changes and trends in the state's affordable housing industry and the vision for policies, priorities, and resource allocation.
Catalyzing Affordable Housing Development in ColoradoMembers only Login
Kimball Crangle (Gorman & Company, Inc.) discusses the state’s housing market and how to provide an adequate number of homes affordable to low and moderate-income households.
Investments Made for Charitable PurposesMembers only Login
The IRS provides an explanation of how foundations can make mission-related investments without paying an additional excise tax.
Advanced Topics in ArbitrageMembers only Login
This lesson from the IRS reviews the elements of the different derivative and hedge products used in the municipal market. Derivative structures often involve credit enhancement in various forms. This lesson also reviews the requirements and...
IRS Publication 4077: 501(c)(3) BondsMembers only Login
This publication from the IRS describes rules that apply to a particular type of qualified private activity bonds: qualified 501(c)(3) bonds. This Publication also addresses practices and steps an issuer or 501(c)(3) organization can take to protect...
Brownfields to Renewables: Redeveloping Contaminated Lands with Renewable Generation FacilitiesMembers only Login
Bjorn Jensen's 2010 Thesis for MIT focuses on using renewable energy generation to facilitate brownfield remediation, examining three successful and one unsuccessful case study to understand best practices and common hurdles.
New Clean Renewable Energy BondsMembers only Login
This Notice under § 54C(a) of the Internal Revenue Code provides related guidance on the following: (1) application requirements for requests for volume cap allocations; and (2) the method that the Department of the Treasury and the IRS will use to...
Creative Tax Credit SolutionsMembers only Login
David Bland, CEO and Chairman of Travois, Inc., discusses the need for and creative use of tax credits amongst Arizona's Native American populations.
Understanding Industrial Development AuthoritiesMembers only Login
Gregg Ghelfi of The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Maricopa defines what an Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is, and gives a brief overview of some benefits of having an IDA and applicable case studies.
CDFA // BNY Mellon Webcast Series: Understanding Proposed IRS Rules on Issue Price and the Industry ImpactMembers only Login
During this CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast, panelists Matthias Edrich of Kutak Rock and John Vahey of Bond Dealers of America share insight on the new proposal from the IRS affecting Issue Price for tax-exempt bonds.
Displaying 51 - 100 of 436 Previous | Next | New Search

CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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