Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
White House's Climate Capital Guidebook
The Climate Capital Guidebook aggregates current federal funding opportunities—including grants, loans, loan guarantees, and cooperative agreements—for small- and medium-sized companies, both start-ups and established businesses, focusing on clean...
Investing in Rural ProsperityMembers only Login
The Federal Reserve has created this book to bring together community and economic development researchers, practitioners, philanthropists, and others to showcase the great work happening across this country and to outline a framework for conducting...
CARES Act Supplemental Appropriations Summary
This is a Summary of the Supplemental Appropriations included in the Senate's third COVID-19 Stimulus package, the CARES Act. More than 80% of the total $339.855 billion provided in the emergency supplemental appropriations goes to state and local...
Summary of the GREEN Act Discussion DraftMembers only Login
This is a section-by-section summary of the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now ("GREEN") Act. The GREEN Act would extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC) until 2024. It would also extend the...
Energy Efficiency Financing ProgramsMembers only Login
Investments in clean energy and infrastructure projects are growing rapidly, and the need for sustainable financing solutions becomes more important every day. From new production facilities and renewable energy source development to the...
Perspectives on Energy Investment Partnerships
To close out the Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series, Rima Ouied from the U.S. Department of Energy will provide closing remarks and reflect on the opportunity that states have for building new partnerships to finance and deploy clean...
Measuring Success in the States
Sandy Fazeli from the National Association of State Energy Officials will present ways some states have financed and already seen success with energy programs on the state levels
Evaluating Current Financing Programs and Gaps in the Market
Paul Toth, President & CEO, will discuss the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority approach to financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, their approach to recruiting and engaging with partners, and how they coordinate regionally and...
Diversity in Structure, Market, and Execution of EIPs
Amy McCartin, Vice President, New York Green Bank, will discuss the financial tools and programs that NYGB utilizes to further clean energy transition, including but not limited to credit enhancements, aggregation, asset loans, and composite...
Accessing the Capital Markets
Stephen Pearlman, Co-Founder and Managing Member, Pearlman & Miranda, LLC will explain the how clean energy fits into the capital markets and the general regulatory and structural considerations during all stages of a financing.
Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series - CAEATFA
Deana Carrillo, Executive Director, of California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority discusses existing programs and pilot programs that complement existing programs that support small business energy efficiency.
Brownfields Case Study - Indianapolis Trail
This study from Partnership for Sustainable Communities highlights the Indianapolis Cultural Trails and the successful efforts to increase brownfield redevelopment along the trail and encompassing neighborhoods. The city utilized an EPA assessment...