Most resources in the ORD are available to CDFA members only. CDFA members should login with their CDFA Account at the top of the page to access the full set of resources. Non-members are encouraged to
Orange County Water District WIFIA LoanMembers only Login
A $135 million WIFIA loan will assist the Orange County Water District in expanding its existing 100 million gallons per day (MGD) Groundwater Replenishment System to produce an additional 30 MGD drought-proof drinking water supply for its service...
Go Back to The Well: Water Infrastructure Opportunities
This report, produced by the National Resources Defense Council, discusses the power of State Revolving Funds (SRFs) and analyzes how increasing the capacity of SRFs could help to vastly improve water infrastructure throughout the country.
Water Infrastructure Financial LeadershipMembers only Login
The EPA has designed a document for decision makers to navigate the process of investing in water infrastructure. It will help identify what is needed for financial planning, how to fund and finance a project, and consider which strategic approaches...
WIFIA and the US Water Infrastructure GapMembers only Login
The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, “WIFIA,” is a funding mechanism that was enacted to address the US water infrastructure gap. WIFIA aims to encourage private investment in public water infrastructure projects, and the EPA...
WIFIA Project Approval and Closing
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Project Approval and Closing - Learn about application submission and evaluation, term sheet development, and closing.
WIFIA Project SelectionMembers only Login
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Project Selection - Learn about the application and selection process, including the letter of interest components, selection criteria and their weights, and preliminary creditworthiness and...
WIFIA Program OverviewMembers only Login
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program Overview - Learn about the WIFIA program's eligibility and statutory requirements, loan terms and conditions, and credit policies.
Eagle Mill Roadmap to Redevelopment
As part of the Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, this report from CDFA staff and technical advisors provides financing recommendations for the Eagle Mill redevelopment in Lee, Massachusetts.
Metaldyne Roadmap to Redevelopment
As part of the Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, this report from CDFA staff and technical advisors provides redevelopment recommendations for the Metaldyne brownfield site located in Bedford Heights, Ohio.
MPM Roadmap to Redevelopment
As part of the Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, this report from CDFA staff and technical advisors provides redevelopment recommendations for the 74th & Ashland brownfield site located in Englewood, Illinois.
EPA Region 9 Fact Sheet
Region 9 released this valuable fact sheet on how EPA's Brownfields Program can work for your community.
Financial Resources for Petroleum Brownfields
Many local, state, and federal government environmental and economic development programs provide financial assistance in the form of grants and cleanup funds for petroleum brownfields.
Leveraging the Partnership: HUD, DOT, EPA
This guide to federal programs is intended to help communities identify resources available to support their efforts to promote livable and sustainable communities. The Partnership agencies administer grants, programs, and technical assistance...
Evans-Fintube Roadmap to Redevelopment
As part of the Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, this report from CDFA staff and technical advisors provides redevelopment recommendations for the Evans-Fintube site located in Tulsa, OK.