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Search Results: Energy Finance
Displaying 1 - 50 of 951 Previous | Next | New Search
IRS Notice 2024-41 - Domestic Content Bonus Credit Amounts Under the Inflation Reduction ActMembers only Login
This notice modifies the existing domestic content safe harbor in Notice 2023-38, provides a new elective safe harbor for determining the domestic content bonus credit amounts under §§ 45, 45Y, 48, and 48E of the Internal Revenue Code, and requests...
IRS Notice 2024-36 - Allocation of Section 48C(e) Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit Program Members only Login
This notice provides additional guidance to clarify and amplify the procedures for the allocation of credits under Section 48C of the Internal Revenue Code regarding the qualifying advanced energy project credit program.
Treasury, IRS Release Final Rule on Transferrable Tax Credits Under Inflation Reduction ActMembers only Login
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service released final guidance describing rules and definitions for transferrable tax credits/incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act. They will be published in the April 30, 2023,...
IRS Notice 2024-19 - Tax Treatment for Energy Efficient PropertyMembers only Login
This announcement addresses the Federal income tax treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of amounts paid toward the purchase of energy efficient property and improvements under the Department of Energy Home Energy Rebate Programs pursuant to the...
CDFA Coalition Submits $2B Clean Investment Accelerator for DFAs Proposal Under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Competition
CDFA and its coalition partners submitted a $2 billion Clean Investment Accelerator for Development Finance Agencies (DFAs) proposal for the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator competition under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Under this...
DevelopOhio Economic Incentives Toolkit - An Effective Economic Development Toolkit for Growth and Job Creation
This guide from Bricker Graydon outlines the array of tools with which Ohio economic development practitioners can intervene to stimulate or induce development to occur — or occur sooner than market forces sometimes allow — in their communities....
Indigenizing Catalytic Capital
Sovereignty and Indigenous definitions of wealth make up the core values on which Natives have built their economic and financial power. Yet, there is still the issue of economic invisibility for Native Peoples, and one of the ways to combat this is...
Innovative Financing Supports Regenerative AgricultureMembers only Login
A new project will directly pay farmers for the ecosystem services they provide, such as cleaner water, healthier soils and increased biodiversity. The financing will support farmers who engage in regenerative agriculture practices
Agroforestry PartnersMembers only Login
Provide a turnkey financing solution to enable agroforestry conversion for farmers and landowners and provide an uncorrelated, return focused ESG opportunity for investors. We aim to fix the carbon cycle and improve climate health one acre at a time.
Blended Finance for Agricultural FinanceMembers only Login
This technical brief is intended to serve as a practical guide for including agricultural finance in development programs; specifically, within the agricultural sub-sector of innovative climate-smart businesses, production and business models, and...
Potlikker CapitalMembers only Login
Potlikker Capital is a farm community governed charitable integrated capital fund created to holistically serve BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) farmers in America who operate at the intersection of racial and climate justice.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rural PlaybookMembers only Login
A roadmap for delivering opportunity and investments in rural America. This playbook is intended to help rural communities understand the available funding for infrastructure provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other sources –...
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law State Fact SheetsMembers only Login
State-by-state fact sheets provide more detailed information about announced funding and projects in each state, along with anticipated funding by category over the next few years.
A Sustainable Agrifinance SolutionMembers only Login
The objectives of this project are to a) understand how the agrifinance industry accounts for environmental risk, and identify unrealized opportunities for improvement, and b) determine the most profitable loan-incentive product(s) for both...
Picture Becoming Clearer for the Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), signed by President Biden on August 16, 2022, changed a wide range of tax laws and includes over $320 billion in new and expanded incentives for energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy investments,...
Strategies To Address Climate Risks and Capture OpportunitiesMembers only Login
This guide provides agricultural finance institutions with strategies to address climate risks and capture climate opportunities. This guide aims to provide mid-level and senior-level agricultural finance professionals with an introductory...
Building a Clean Energy Economy Members only Login
The Inflation Reduction Act makes a historic commitment to build a new clean energy economy, powered by American innovators, American workers, and American manufacturers, that will create good-paying union jobs and cut the pollution that is fueling...
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: Investments for Tribal and Indigenous CommunitiesMembers only Login
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) directs over $722 million specifically to Tribal and Indigenous communities and includes another $46 billion that Tribal and Indigenous communities are eligible to apply for.
Advancing Equity through Workforce Partnerships Members only Login
This FOA supports the administration goals laid out above by supporting the development of workforce programs and partnerships that will facilitate the continued deployment of solar energy technologies, while supporting an inclusive workforce with...
Low-Income Community Solar Subscription Platform RFIMembers only Login
This request for information (RFI) is intended to inform the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), on the development of a new platform to...
Stronger Together - Federal Funding and Planning Strategies for Rural AmericaMembers only Login
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development and U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) launched a joint resource guide to help community organizations access USDA and EDA resources to build strategies to boost economic...
CDFA - Frost Brown Todd LLC Infrastructure Finance Series: Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Financing for Energy
Interest in Public-Private Partnership (P3) finance is growing not only because state and the local governments realize the strength, flexibility, and efficiency of the P3 model, but because of the growing need for P3s to promote higher quality and...
CDFA-Bricker PACE Webinar Series: PACE 2.0 - The Next 10 Years
It has been approximately 10 years since the first PACE programs began. During this workshop, our speakers provided insights related to expanding PACE assessments to benefit buildings and properties for other non-energy related improvements such as...
NYC Department of Finance's Notice of Adoption Relating to C-PACE  Members only Login
The New York City Department of Finance published a Notice of Adoption of a new rule broadening the scope of the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) finance program. The amended rule, which goes into effect on November 7, 2021, has...
Local and Regional Infrastructure Interactive Map - Kinder InstituteMembers only Login
The Kinder Institute Local and Regional Infrastructure Database contains more than 1,800 planned infrastructure projects identified by surveying local and regional leaders, reviewing capital investment documents, and using other sources. This...
ESG Disclosure in Municipal OfferingsMembers only Login
This Ballard Spahr white paper describes current market standards for ESG bond labeling, verification, and disclosure, with a focus on green bonds and social bonds, best practices for primary and secondary market disclosure and post-issuance...
CDFA-Bricker PACE Webinar Series: Advancing Multi-Family Housing & Renewable Energy Goals with PACE
Certain property and project types have not taken full advantage of PACE, however, during this workshop, we explored what is being done to advance the goals in these market areas.
The Case for the Clean Energy and Sustainability AcceleratorMembers only Login
These are the slides from the Coalition for Green Capital's virtual presentation, "The Case for the Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator".
Seeding Climate Resilience Through Equitable InvestmentMembers only Login
In this publication, the Center for Community Investment uses six case studies of successful climate resilience investments to surface a set of common strategies that take aim at the systems underlying the inequitable distribution of risk. Together,...
CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Preserving Local Economies with Energy & Water Finance
During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, presenters discussed how energy and water finance programs can be positioned to meet community infrastructure needs and support efficient resource use while also...
CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Preserving Local Economies with Energy & Water Finance
During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, presenters discussed how energy and water finance programs can be positioned to meet community infrastructure needs and support efficient resource use while also...
Made in America Tax Plan ReportMembers only Login
The Made in America Tax Plan Report describes President Biden’s Made in America tax plan, part of the newly announced American Jobs Plan. Importantly, this tax plan would generate new funding to pay for a sustained increase in investments in...
CDFA-Bricker PACE Webinar Series: How PACE Gets Utilized Across All Market Segments
Each market segment has its own view of why PACE is valuable and this workshop provided insights and details into each.
2021 Infrastructure Report Card - A Comprehensive Assessment of America's Infrastructure
The 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure reveals we’ve made some incremental progress toward restoring our nation’s infrastructure. For the first time in 20 years, our infrastructure is out of the D range. While this report grades 17...
POWER Initiative Evaluation: Factors and Results of Project ImplementationMembers only Login
This report by Chamberlin/Dunn offers an evaluation of two consecutive years (FY19-FY20) of the Appalachian Regional Commission's POWER Initiative. The report aims to understand successes, challenges, and lessons learned through implementation, and...
Success Factors, Challenges, and Early Impacts of the POWER Initiative: An Implementation EvaluationMembers only Login
This evaluation was designed to help ARC and its stakeholders learn from the POWER Program's implementation successes and challenges; identify technical assistance needs; and report on the qualitative impact of investments made, to date, with POWER...
Retroactive PACE Financing: Eligible States
This map includes states where projects are eligible for Retroactive PACE financing and includes a summary of state-by-state guidelines.
CDFA-Bricker PACE Webinar Series: Retroactive PACE
During this installment of the 2021 CDFA-Bricker PACE Webinar Series: Retroactive PACE, we explored the in-depth consideration for making Retroactive PACE a reality for an eligible property owner.
Large-Scale Solar Development: A Playbook for Southwest VirginiaMembers only Login
To ensure that Virginia's coal country doesn't miss out on opportunities in large-scale solar, the Solar Foundation and the Solar Workgroup of Southwest Virginia have developed a step-by-step guide for how municipalities and counties can encourage...
Leveraging Bond Financing to Support Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Goals: Resource Summary for State and Local GovernmentsMembers only Login
This resource summary is for state, local, and K-12 energy professionals and non-finance experts seeking to understand how bonds can be used to pay for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and initiatives. It outlines market trends in...
Displaying 1 - 50 of 951 Previous | Next | New Search

CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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