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Search Results: U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 167 Previous | Next | New Search
IRS Notice 2024-19 - Tax Treatment for Energy Efficient PropertyMembers only Login
This announcement addresses the Federal income tax treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of amounts paid toward the purchase of energy efficient property and improvements under the Department of Energy Home Energy Rebate Programs pursuant to the...
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rural PlaybookMembers only Login
A roadmap for delivering opportunity and investments in rural America. This playbook is intended to help rural communities understand the available funding for infrastructure provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other sources –...
Picture Becoming Clearer for the Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), signed by President Biden on August 16, 2022, changed a wide range of tax laws and includes over $320 billion in new and expanded incentives for energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy investments,...
Advancing Equity through Workforce Partnerships Members only Login
This FOA supports the administration goals laid out above by supporting the development of workforce programs and partnerships that will facilitate the continued deployment of solar energy technologies, while supporting an inclusive workforce with...
Low-Income Community Solar Subscription Platform RFIMembers only Login
This request for information (RFI) is intended to inform the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), on the development of a new platform to...
Leveraging Bond Financing to Support Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Goals: Resource Summary for State and Local GovernmentsMembers only Login
This resource summary is for state, local, and K-12 energy professionals and non-finance experts seeking to understand how bonds can be used to pay for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and initiatives. It outlines market trends in...
Precedents for the National Climate Bank - Federal Financing via Independent InstitutionsMembers only Login
The National Climate Bank Act of 2019 was introduced in the U.S. Senate on July 8, and in the House on December 12, 2019. This paper discusses their lessons and precedents for the National Climate Bank, including relevant details of their formation,...
Summary of the GREEN Act Discussion DraftMembers only Login
This is a section-by-section summary of the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now ("GREEN") Act. The GREEN Act would extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC) until 2024. It would also extend the...
Designing and Operating Homeownership Programs on Tribal LandsMembers only Login
The purpose of this guide is to offer tribal leadership in New Mexico with a comprehensive overview of the steps required to create homeownership programs on reservation land, with a particular focus on the mortgage lending process.
Clean Energy For Low Income Communities ToolkitMembers only Login
The Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) was a voluntary partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and state and local governments to lower energy bills for low-income communities.
Reducing Energy Burden for Low-income Residents in Multifamily Housing with Solar Energy Members only Login
When paired with energy efficiency measures, cost effective solar energy systems can support state and local program administrators’ goals to reduce low-income household energy burden. Energy burden is the share or percentage of annual household...
U.S. Department of Energy Loan Program's OfficeMembers only Login
Edward Rios from the Department of Energy provides an overview of the financing programs offered through the Loan Programs Office at the 2019 CDFA Federal Policy Conference.
Solar Lending Practices by Community and Regional Financial Institutions Members only Login
Current projections of solar photovoltaic (PV) system costs and deployment in the United States indicate substantial capital requirements over the next 30 years and beyond. Concurrently, community and regional financial institutions (CRFIs),...
Direct Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in Fiscal Year 2016Members only Login
This report—an update based on Fiscal Year 2016 data—continues a series of U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports on federal direct financial interventions and subsidies into energy markets. EIA assigns within-scope U.S. tax and direct...
Assessing the PACE of CA Residential Solar DeploymentMembers only Login
This report by Jeff Deason and Sean Murphy from Berkeley Lab examines the impacts of Property Assessed Clean Energy programs on residential solar photovoltaic development in California from 2010-2015.
Energy Efficiency Financing ProgramsMembers only Login
Investments in clean energy and infrastructure projects are growing rapidly, and the need for sustainable financing solutions becomes more important every day. From new production facilities and renewable energy source development to the...
CDFA // BNY Mellon Webcast Series: Post-Election Development Finance LandscapeMembers only Login
This month’s CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series on the post-election development finance landscape featured Toby Rittner of CDFA, Eric Silva of North South Government Strategies, George Friedlander of George Friedlander...
Harvey Rogers, Economic Development Financing in Oregon: from the Sublime to the RidiculousMembers only Login
Harvey Rogers described the current bond market in Oregon and explored bond financing case examples which prove their effectiveness in addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Best Practice Guidelines for Residential PACE FinancingMembers only Login
This document from the DOE provides revisions to the original “Guidelines for Pilot PACE Financing Programs,” to reflect the evolving structure of the PACE market and incorporate lessons learned from various PACE programs that have been...
DOE Best Practice SlidesMembers only Login
Eleni Pelican of the DOE presented an updated version of the original DOE “Guidelines for Pilot PACE Financing Programs.”
Financing Improvements for Energy Efficiency in OhioMembers only Login
Energy development is the fastest growing area of development finance nationwide. Paul Toth (Toledo-Lucas county Port Authority) discuss the financing mechanisms behind energy efficiency loans and bonds in Ohio.
Clean Energy Financing from the Dept. of EnergyMembers only Login
The Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office has more than $40 billion in authority to finance innovative clean energy projects and advanced technology vehicles manufacturing. 
Best Practice Guidelines for Residential PACE Financing ProgramsMembers only Login
The revised Dept. of Energy guidelines focus on best practices for program design, including consumer and lender protections; compatibility of PACE with other energy efficiency programs and services; minimum contractor requirements and performance...
Energy Investment Partnerships: Product Offerings & Market Assessment
Factsheet 2 of the Energy Investment Partnerships covers clean energy through bond markets, credit enhancements and capital markets, property assessed clean energy, and market assessment.
Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar: Measuring Impact & Data Collection
The fourth and final EIP webinar focuses on evaluating successful EIPs, identifying the necessary data to collect to demonstrate successful and positive impact, and how EIPs can create lasting, powerful movements towards boosting bourgeoning clean...
Perspectives on Energy Investment Partnerships
To close out the Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series, Rima Ouied from the U.S. Department of Energy will provide closing remarks and reflect on the opportunity that states have for building new partnerships to finance and deploy clean...
Measuring Success in the States
Sandy Fazeli from the National Association of State Energy Officials will present ways some states have financed and already seen success with energy programs on the state levels
Evaluating Current Financing Programs and Gaps in the Market
Paul Toth, President & CEO, will discuss the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority approach to financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, their approach to recruiting and engaging with partners, and how they coordinate regionally and...
Diversity in Structure, Market, and Execution of EIPs
Amy McCartin, Vice President, New York Green Bank, will discuss the financial tools and programs that NYGB utilizes to further clean energy transition, including but not limited to credit enhancements, aggregation, asset loans, and composite...
Accessing the Capital Markets
Stephen Pearlman, Co-Founder and Managing Member, Pearlman & Miranda, LLC will explain the how clean energy fits into the capital markets and the general regulatory and structural considerations during all stages of a financing.
Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar: Access to Capital & Leveraging Existing Financing Tools
The Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series is a tailored four-part webinar series designed specifically for states and stakeholders working to develop or enhance an Energy Investment Partnership (EIP). The webinar series will provide...
Energy Investment Partnerships: What Is It & How to Get Started
CDFA and the U.S. Department of Energy have partnered to produce the Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series and a set of four Fact Sheets. Each Fact Sheet will summarize the best practices covered in the corresponding webinar and provides...
Energy Investment Partnerships Webinar Series - CAEATFA
Deana Carrillo, Executive Director, of California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority discusses existing programs and pilot programs that complement existing programs that support small business energy efficiency.
Sparking a Movement to Accelerate the Growth of Green Energy
Bryan Garcia, President & CEO of the Connecticut Green Bank, discusses green bank model and the programs and products of the Connecticut Green Bank.
Craft3 Energy Lending Programs
Adam Zimmerman, with Craft3, discusses various energy lending programs through targeted sectors and financing.
Growing Clean Energy Markets Quickly with Green Bank/EIP Financing & Market Development
Jeffrey Schub, Executive Director of the Coalition for Green Capital, speaks about how Green Banks (EIPs) fill the financing gap and their role of increasing the flow of capital. He explains lessons learned from a Green Bank creation and operation.
Energy Investment Partnerships Guide: How State and Local Governments Are Engaging Private Capital to Drive Clean Energy Investment
The United States Department of Energy released the Energy Investment Partnerships Guide, a technical document authored by the Council of Development Finance Agencies that examines how state and local governments can leverage private capital to...
Brownfields to Renewables: Redeveloping Contaminated Lands with Renewable Generation FacilitiesMembers only Login
Bjorn Jensen's 2010 Thesis for MIT focuses on using renewable energy generation to facilitate brownfield remediation, examining three successful and one unsuccessful case study to understand best practices and common hurdles.
IMCP Program - Application Strategy Session PresentationsMembers only Login
Launched in 2013, IMCP is a national competition that designates up to 12 manufacturing communities. In addition to national recognition, communities receive a federal liaison, promotion, and the potential for targeted investments from 11 federal...
Displaying 1 - 50 of 167 Previous | Next | New Search

CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY Mellon
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • NW Financial Group, LLC
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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